Saints Row 3 Download Character
Main Tropes.: In the third game Male 1 will sometime shout 'Murder time, fun time!' When he kills someone. 'I'm gonna skull fuck that bitch.' 'Hope you don't mind hepatitis.' .: Becomes less noticable over time as they get progressively more heroic as the games continue.: Of course, this depends on how you play. And it's kinda hard to follow traffic laws while you're listening to Wolfmother.
Regardless of how you play, it's by almost every character who rides shotgun with you. Characters from the first game give a familiar in regards to it. And Jane waxes poetic about your vehicular carnage.
Saints Row 4 is a lot more fun with custom characters. Saints Row 4 experienced many problems when it came to downloading custom characters so in this tutorial I offer you a fix on how to solve. Saints Row: The Third Free Download PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent. Saints Row: The Third – Get ready for the most out-landish gameplay scenarios ever seen as the Third Street Saints take on the Syndicate!
Here's something well hidden. Call up a homie then when they arrive dismiss them. She will get in their vehicle and take off. You can jump in the passenger seat and now Boss will give them shit over their driving. It's best to have a load of flashbangs to freak out your homie and any driverpassengers to encourage accidents.: S/he may be an amoral crime boss, but is still horrified after seeing the corpses of people experimented on by Ultor in the Ultor Exposed DLC. Again in the third game.
Murder, theft, human trafficking, insurance fraud, and wanton destruction are all fine. Hypercommercialisation, on the other hand, is something the Boss starts having doubts about. This may or may not stick depending on the ending chosen. Canon states The Boss decided to compromise by deciding to to keep reminding themselves of their roots while still not tossing all their principles aside for greed or personal gain if they had to make a choice as of SR IV. Also in the third game Boss doesn't like the way a director of the movie they happen to be staring in treats the actress they play alongside and quickly begins trying to screw with him and get him to stop even though he does nothing but praise whatever Boss does.
They also try to get the poor girl to stand up for herself so he won't pick on her so much. In The Trouble With Clones Boss becomes kind of heroic, as she is genuinely pissed at the army attacking Pierce and Johnny Tag, even showing remorse for the Saints failing Gat. Whatever criticism you can level at Boss, she has one of the most heroic scenes yet. The fourth game has The Boss genuinely horrified when the destroys Earth, just to prove how much he should be taken seriously. Julius: Don't you get it? The Saints didn't solve a goddamn thing.
Drugs were still being pushed, innocent people were still being killed. All we did was turn into Vice Kings that wore purple.Playa: Jesus Christ you sound like a pussy.Julius: I sound like someone who's not a sociopath. This trope is averted more and more in the third game (dependent on your choices), and almost entirely in the fourth.: She has this reaction big time over Burt Reynolds.: Oh so much in the second game.: You can make your Boss fat (ranging from 'chubby' fat to 'gives a run for his money' fat), and s/he'll still be able to sprint and jump without a hitch. Regarding the sprint, you can unlock infinite sprint. Meaning you can run laps around the city and still look like you're in danger of having a heart attack at any minute. /. /: Female boss definitely likes girls, even if there's one voice, when stoned, asking if Pierce was interested in her.
The same voice also ask Johnny if a hospital is a good place to pick up guys and later remarks on phone watching two strippers perform.: In the third game, Female 1 voiced Boss will give one when planting each explosive during the final mission of the 'Shock and Awe' ending. Makes it all the more poignant. 'One for Shaundi.' 'One for Viola.' 'One for my crew.'
'And one just for me.' .: Obviously, it is possible to create one. /:.: And on that note.: When drunk she will laugh and laugh and laugh at the joke she made to Gat in the first game.: Half the lines she speaks. Somehow as a or she gets all the best, lines.: Possible after the first game.: One voice will comment on and fearful of her kids turning out like him vows she'll never let them play video games.: If you're making an albino character, this is what you're getting.: Voiced by, no less! In Saints Row The Third there is also the option of a British voice, this time voiced by.: If you so choose. The vast selection of tight, skimpy and damned classy clothes helps greatly.
/.: Depending on the voice you use she be may drop interesting tidbits. Collecting glass unicorns for example.: Russian!Female Boss, dear god. Russian!Female Boss: When I was a child, my father would make me fight the dogs for food.
It made me who I am today.: A female boss will tower over every other woman and several guys in the game. Various male Saints will also comment on her being the toughest chick they ever met.: In the third game, with the Zombie voice option.: Many fans of were quite pleased to find face paint options in the second game. Although there are only four different styles the sheer amount of customization options allow many players to create their ideal juggalo persona.: Played straight with all the female voices in Saints Row 2 and the Russian and Latina voices in The Third. Female voice 1 in TT also counts, but she does occasionally show a feminine side. This trope is the Latina voice to a T though.: Female characters have these moments.: Along with.: The 'Russian' voice in Saints Row The Third skews to this. 'Is exciting, yes? Like attacking a tiger with a knife!'
.: The flip side of the option; you can be skinny as a rail and still throw people around like rag dolls and kill Brutes like it's nobody's business.: With Johnny Gat, if you play a girl. They're very close friends, but there's nothing sexual going on, and Johnny is hooked up with Aisha until 'Bleeding Out' anyway.
Even afterwards it remains completely platonic in later games, though they would happily go through hell for each other. Gat winds up having to do so literally in the fourth game expansion. as of Saint's Row the Third it is possible to be one of these.: Thanks to the many options in clothing and body builds, you can make your own Boss rather easily. And making it resemble to another character is far from impossible.
Pick up long purple hair, a tanktop, some shorts and pretend you're in. Blonde ponytail, red tank and black trousers, or jacket and jeans and you have. Crop top and cargoes,. With a little work you can pull off and (replete with their signature taunts). All part of the fun of course.: You can mix and match bodies and voices for the Boss. You can have a male body with a female voice, or the other way around.

And then there's the zombie voice.: Parodied; one of the lines demonstrating the 'Male 1' voice in the third game complains about kids playing video games, saying that when he was young, he would've been playing outside. Killing people in real life. /.
Julius is the charismatic founder and leader of the Third Street Saints in the first game. He saves the main character - who he refers to as 'Playa' - from a gang shootout, and offers him a place in the Saints. Julius claims that their goal is to clean up Stilwater and wipe out the rival gangs who are raising hell and generally making life miserable, even if he does make some questionable decisions. He ultimately sells the Saints out and essentially destroys the gang after being caught by the cops, even seemingly killing 'Playa' via boat explosion, and gets a job as a tour guide after Ultor moves in and renovates the entire Row. But Julius' past comes back to haunt him in the form of 'Playa', who survived the explosion and wants answers - and revenge.: In the first incarnation of the Saints.: In short, he founds the Third Street Saints to wipe out the other three gangs in the city, then betrays them before sending them all to prison or death.
The plan works brilliantly, except it just leaves open a vacuum for other gangs to fill. Played By: Daniel Dae Kim.: Aisha did.: '387 counts of murder, and one count of attempted murder'. Though with the statute of limitations it should be lower.: Is so legendary for it even The Boss affords him great respect. We also find out the of the fourth game was so scared shitless of Gat he kidnapped him from the plane in the beginning of the third game because he was certain leaving Gat to his own devices would screw over his plans in the fourth game. In short, Gat was so badass he could been the undoing of an entire alien invasion by himself.
Gat's own words on what he'd do if he met. I'm gonna punch him in the face.: While the game isn't short on swearing, Gat manages to find new and creative ways to insert profanity into almost every sentence.: Unlike Lin and Carlos, whom you need to call Eye For An Eye to unlock, you unlock Zombie Gat after completing the story line.: His response to any problem is to kick down a door and start shooting. He's so crazy that even other gangsters think he's a complete nutcase.: He gets killed in the second mission of the third game by Philippe Loren.
Much to the ire of the fans.: Not quite to the degree of the Boss, but it still deserves a mention. /: What some fans are holding out for. Of course Zombie!Gat certainly doesn't leave much room for hope.
Some fans even hope that the Trouble With Clones DLC has something to do with the return of Gat. The Genkibowl VII DLC does hint that he may still be alive. Trouble With Clones confirmed that the original Johnny is dead. But he was cloned and reborn as a Brute. The fourth game confirms he didn't die, he was kidnapped by the Big Bad of that game during the third game so Gat wouldn't be an obstacle in the fourth game.: In the second incarnation of the Saints.: Street gossip reveals that he becomes even more violently unhinged after Aisha's death.: The Gatmobile (which was made in his likeness) comes with a built in cigarette flamethrower. This is somewhat odd as Gat is never actually seen smoking in any of the games while many of the other Saints are.
Maybe he picked up the habit.: Especially after Aisha is killed.: He's a that can blast his way though an army of mooks but he seems to get hurt a lot to show the gang he's against means business. In the first game he's kneecapped by Anthony Green and held captive, in the second game he's run through with a sword by Jyunichi, and in the third he's stabbed by Philippe Loren and subsequently killed. That last example may not count since, even after getting stabbed, Johnny goes on Loren's men before dying.
'Troy can't bail you out of this one!' .: Let's just say he was promoted big time in the last five years.: He genuinely didn't want to betray the Saints despite being an undercover cop.
In the second game he sees working for Ultor and doing things that help the other gangs as this, while all this time he still helps the Saints in one way or another.: Sets out to protect the Saints in some form even as police chief.: To the Boss in 2.: He was a cop all along.: Attempts this with Julius after his arrest, attempts to get Julius to make amends by getting Gat and Playa to step down. His solution is to kill Playa and the corrupt Mayor Hughs. Many of the things he does for the Saints can also be seen as this for betraying them.: In the first incarnation of the Saints.: He's the reason Boss is still alive after the bombing, keeping himher on life support all that time.: Especially during the first game, where he lights his cigarette on the burning body of a tough rival gang member. Played By: Jeffrey Allen Qaiyum.: Gives Troy a 'What the hell dude?' Look after he lights a cigarette on the burning body of a gang member they had just killed.: Gets annoyed at everyone for saying ', especially after he starts saying it himself.: Apparently the devs don't want to bring him back to not confuse new players.
Averted in Gat Out of Hell, where he was brought back so the player could have the pleasure of killing him.: Or young adult at least. He doesn't seemed to be very old at all in the first game. Played By: Tia Carrere.: Did you just insult her?
Punch to the the face. Did you just act nice towards her? She'll be rude and treat you like dirt. Even Playa takes a little while to earn any respect from her.: Zombie Lin is referenced in Saints Row 2 and in The Third. Kinzie also has a photo of Lin in her, though Pierce takes it before the boss could see it.: Between their interactions in the first game, and how quickly Pierce hides the picture of her in the third, there is a rising amount of suspicion that the Boss has/had some feelings for Lin. Because he didn't know Lin, and his noticeably freaked out expression on seeing her picture, it is implied that unless the Boss him/herself brings it up, you don't talk about Lin.:.: She gets really annoyed at the Rollers when they think someone like Donnie worked on her car, when in reality she tricked it out entirely by herself. One of the Saints' lieutenants, Shaundi starts as a stoner/college dropout/hippie type who and is However, she's still a very efficient member of the Saints, and the countless people she knows provide the Saints with tons of leads regarding the rival gangs.
But in The Third, she's become a lot more serious and focused - especially after Johnny Gat is killed.: Her getting kidnapped by causes the Protagonist to accuse her of being this.: Much more bloodthirsty in the third game. Though she still gets kidnapped (and more than anyone else, for that matter).: She prefers exterminating the Syndicate to the Boss's plan of taking them over, and doesn't mind expressing this view. As far as anyone else is concerned, she won't want to kill them unless they piss her off, like Birk.: After Johnny's death nothing less than the murder of every member of the Syndicate will placate her.
If she and Angel are in your party they might have a conversation about how uptight she is, why she is, and how she will do whatever it takes to screw over the Syndicate, before Angel professes his love to her for those qualities.: Picking up on clues from the games, it seems after a bad trip to Steelport she becomes a stoner, before joining the Saints. In the third game she ditches drugs, dating and, then becomes enraged over Johnny's death.: Sort of. She's pretty on the ball, but a little forgetful and spacy due to being constantly stoned.: In one level two levels.
The boss actively questions her credentials, concluding in the final missions of the Samedi arc that the only character she could take on is Veteran Child, and only because of his recent death. At the ending of The Third, she is kidnapped along with Viola and Burt Reynolds and tied up with them next to a bomb. And before that, she got picked up by STAG and the Boss has to sneak on board the STAG aircraft carrier to save her.: To Gat in the third game, minus the happy attitude. She clearly cares for him, and when he dies she really wants to kill Phillipe Loren, just the same as Gat wants Jynuichi dead for killing his wife. When Killbane attacks Gat's funeral Shaundi really wants to kill him, just like Gat had Shogo when he attacked Aisha's funeral. They also miss their shot at taking out the (a security guard sneaks up on Gat before he can take out Vogel, and before Shaundi can kill Killbane Matt Miller makes the chopper she and Boss are on crash.).: In Saints Row 2.: Shaundi is right into fighting gangs. Random assaults on people in the street will bore her.
'Yeah, this isn't working for me.' .: In both games. On the one hand she was a constant stoner with a ridiculous amount of boyfriends. On the other hand she becomes a stone cold killer, second only to the Boss, and is constantly pissed off.
This even becomes a deliberate plot point in SRIV.: She was by no means unattractive in the second game, but by The Third, her look has really.: Forget taking over the Syndicate, Shaundi wants them all dead because they killed Gat and attacked his funeral. Forget that Josh Birk can be used to lure STAG into a trap, or to make a deal, just kill him.: Various comments hint at something bad happening when she visited Steelport before. It's hinted that Zimos used her as a ho.: Between her drastic change in appearance and unusually focused demeanor, you'd never know that the Shaundi in Saints Row the Third was a laid back stoner chick in the second game. Which becomes a plot point in the fourth game.
She became her SR3 persona in disgust over how helpless her SR2 persona was, but never really got over how it made her feel like she abandoned part of herself in the process.: Treated as this in the third game.: Actually, this makes her very useful. All the Saints usually have to do is wait for one of the over six hundred guys she used to fuck to give her a call. She ditches this in the third game, only mentioning a single ex in Steelport that she keeps in contact with who is willing to let the Saints crash at his apartment. The guy she's most focused on is Gat and that's only because of his death. She might get angry at her past being brought up, and her reaction to a actor hitting on her is to plead to Boss to let her kill him.: In the third game. She tears into the Boss when she loses control of the helicopter they're sniping from, causing her to miss killing Killbane (who Shaundi really wants dead after his attack when the Saints were arranging Gat's funeral).
She also begins a when the Saints start turning into the Syndicate, rather that.: Like Gat after Aisha's death she breaks after Gat's death, becoming more angry and violent.: After Johnny's death she is enraged about both Pierce and Boss for quickly getting over it, telling her it's better to move on than to spend all time mourning, acting as if it's the first time Boss lost a close friend. Apparently she either has forgotten Carlos or ignores his death and how Boss handled it.
Which was the same way.: Mid way through the game she will call you and discuss your actions, depending on which voice you use. She may be optimistic, even crediting Matt and Kinzie on their work (female voice 1). With another voice she'll call you out on keeping Viola around and turning into the Syndicate when she wants to just kill'em. Other options are for Boss to reassure her that they are doing what they do for Gat.: Say what you want, she did survive the last encounter with The General. Her credentials in The Third gets taken up quite a bit since she turns into a female version of Gat after his death. Played By: Joe CamarenoThe first person the Boss meets after waking up from his/her coma, Carlos proceeds to help him/her escape from prison and return to Stilwater. This effectively acts as his foot in the door into the Saints (which his brother was a member of before they disbanded), and the Boss recruits him as a lieutenant.
He's young and inexperienced, but genuinely tries, and the Boss appears to see him as a bit of a younger brother figure.:, he was so badly hurt from what the Brotherhood did to him.: He can be unlocked as a zombified homie, but for whatever reason he doesn't start with a gun. Also a in this capacity.: Aside from the beginning and the very first few Brotherhood missions, he gets killed off fairly quickly and doesn't appear in any other gang's missions.: Especially if you do the Brotherhood missions first.: Remains loyal to the Saints years after they have disbanded and wears a purple hat to symbolize this. He even gets himself shanked just to get a chance to speak with the boss.
(Who at this point was just an (admittedly very high ranking) former member of the gang and not its official leader yet. One of the Saints' lieutenants, Pierce starts off as an efficient if rather whiny tactician. By the time of The Third however, while he's still a bit of a, he gets way more respect and is more of a slickster type. JOHNNY GAT and SHAUNDI are pop-culture icons. Well, who gives a fuck about Pierce?. Relatively AVERTED if you choose to kill Killbane.
After the Boss declares Steelport a sovereign city-state, s/he offers Pierce the office of Mayor.: Is seen playing a few games with Oleg over the course of the game and is strongly implied to be winning each time, though he never does get a chance to actually finish his game.: Although he never gets any credit for it in the second game. Is given somewhat more respect in the third game and beyond. Kia in SR3 will even comment on his intellectual gifts and notes he's dangerous as a result. Played By: Mark Allen StuartA rather massive ex-KGB super soldier who was captured by the Syndicate and cloned in the hopes of developing a private army. He gets freed by the Saints during the raid on the Syn Building at the end of Act I.: As a homie, Oleg is an incredibly tough, deceptively fast and devastatingly powerful melee fighter, inflicting at least as much damage with his fists alone as the other homies can inflict with their guns.
However, despite being virtually unstoppable, his sheer size means he cannot ride on most vehicles alongside the Boss. Also, because he is exclusively a melee fighter, he is a common target of friendly fire. If shot or hit by an explosion caused by the Boss, he'll get upset and leave the party; not only that, but he'll attack the Boss, and failure to beat a quick time event to dodge his punch means instant death to the Boss, regardless of how many health points s/he has left.: Very big. When you call him as a homie, a random mook Saint drives up in a Criminal pick-up truck with Oleg riding in the bed of it. Apparently his size has caused him to hate the mini car Emu, which he tells Boss to destroy at any given opportunity as one of the challenges on Saints Book.
He admits it might be irrational.: Has some very witty dry one liners, like when he needles Pierce over how uncomfortable he is over seeing Oleg naked by asking if. He also snarks about The Boss not liking the Syndicate's love of pink with. Would you prefer a more manly purple?' .: He admits he's got a crush on Kinzie, since he considers her an intellectual equal - he manages to finish a few of her sentences and she talks a lot in.: Don't let his appearance fool you. He is well-spoken, intellectual, and an excellent tactician. He and Pierce are seen playing chess against each other. If he's around as a homie he even offers to teach the boss Latin, saying it's the only language intellectuals should be speaking in.: AND HOW.: When you first meet him.: He'll often defend the most logical or pragmatic solutions to some of the crossroads in the game.
For example, he suggests that the Saints keep Loren's building to themselves instead of destroying it and that they also keep the chemical that creates zombies so that Saints can manufacture their own zombies instead of getting rid of it all like Mayor Reynolds asked. Pierce gets to play to Oleg's when Oleg encourages the Boss to go after Killbane, arguing that all of their efforts up to that point would have been meaningless if Killbane escaped, while Pierce believes that the Boss should let Killbane escape and go rescue Shaundi instead.: Like fellow Russian giant, Oleg can do the Pile Driver to finish off enemy Brutes. A former FBI intelligence agent who's employment was terminated after the Deckers framed her for an unknown crime.

She becomes the Saints' new tech expert after they rescue her from a Deckers-owned barge.: Starts getting in touch with this side of herself in Gat Out Of Hell.: Becomes one by the fourth game, and definitely in Gat Out Of Hell.: In GOOH, she taking on with Johnny Gat.: In the cut scene before rescuing Zimos from a BDSM club called Safeword she says 'Mine's 'tea cup'.' In the cut scene before 'Learning Computer' she's shown to own a Gimp mask.: Reveals what the Deckers fabricated to get her terminated in an off-handed manner. Kinzie: 'Sure, let down your guard and suddenly, they make it look like you're selling secrets to Mossad and moonlighting as a dominatrix.' .: As well as being a regular at a BDSM club she has a bust wearing a leather gimp mask, her own Penetrator dildo bat (which Pierce whacks The Boss with!), dresses Boss as a sex doll and mentions using electronics to get herself off. Kenzie being Kenzie, the toilet and sex doll avatars in the mission were probably for shits and giggles.: Discussed and defied.
Kinzie I'm not a Deus ex machina you know!.: With Matt Miller during some of the Deckers missions.: If you have her and Viola as homies at the same time it's revealed that Kinzie doesn't know how to wash her hair.: Her warehouse crib is set up as this.: In her first post rescue mission she states outright that she hates people. When she gets shot at she might say 'This is what I get for going outside!' And one Heli Assault mission ends with her declaring that she's going to shut herself away for a week. Her phone call when all the Deckers territory has been taken over implies that she's slowly becoming more sociable and has started going outside more. Kinzie: I could have been at home on my computer, but noooo. Someone suggested that I 'grow as a person'.: Type II.
For a computer geek, she's quite the looker.: Will call out Zimos' inconsistent use of his microphone staff when the two are called as Homies together.: Constantly works without sleep during the Deckers missions to keep them from getting the upper hand. Justified since they've already cost her her job in the FBI and she wants payback.: In one level of heli assault she has to stop for petrol, when Boss asks how she forgot she says she was busy figuring out how to DESTROY AN ENTIRE GANG!.: Kinzie's room in her lair is full of newspaper clippings of sittings of Zombie Lin to aliens. There is also a lot of Ultor related stuff.: Actually knows the Boss's name. All the Boss can do is tell her to keep it to herself.: If you try to romance Kinzie in the fourth game, she will punch you in the face before going down on you.: Kinzie has a tendency to spout out scientific/technological terms that the Boss has no idea what it means.
Even when asked to talk in, she'll lapse back into this.: In the debut trailer, she's seen typing away on a keyboard while the Boss and Johnny get into a firefight. Her only response is to shake her head and continue typing.: If the club is being attacked by the Syndicate, Kinzie's likely too busy stopping a Digital Attack from the Deckers to care about the firefight. Played By: Hulk HoganA former luchadore who was once part of the Pale Horsemen tag-team with Killbane. The two formed the Luchadores gang, but Killbane's ego took a hit due to Angel's better popularity with their subordinates. Played By: Alex DesertAn old school pimp whose heavy smoking habit lead to a tracheotomy, although this hasn't stopped him from doing so. He was once friends with the DeWynter sisters, but after a falling-out they trapped him in a Morning Star run BDSM club.: His mechanical larynx has this installed in it.: As proven by him being willing to run into a heavy firefight despite being in a hard to move in gimp suit with a fake pony tail still shoved up his ass.: He's fairly old, but still spry for his age.: Has to talk through a mechanical larynx since a massive smoking habit fucked up his trachea, though it doesn't make him any less capable in combat.: He's Steelport's oldest pimp.
The sign outside his crib says that he's been in business since 1975. The game allegedly takes place in the mid-2010s.: In more than one way.
While he is an unrepentant pimp and refers to his girls as hos and bitches (and is still nailing women left and right as evidenced in one cutscene), he does respect them enough to even have the Boss do some mission to rescue some prostitutes from the Syndicate so he can give them the same employment, but much better working conditions.: Naked enough. You first encounter him as a prisoner in a BDSM room called 'the Pony Show' with him wearing a gimp harness and bridle.: Including a gold walking cane shaped like the top half of a mic stand, with the microphone grip functioning as his mechanical larynx.: The reason he found himself in a pony show is because he slept with one of the DeWynter sisters.Then forgot which one. Played By: Lauri Hendler' Tonight's top story: Award-winning reporter kicks some ass!'
Jane initially hires the Saints to create sensational news for her to report on. If the player mugs fifty people, she'll volunteer to be an 'embedded reporter' in the gang war,and become available as a homie.: By the third game, she is relegated to giving radio summaries of most missions and has a brief cameo in one mission where she interviews Killbane. Instead of carrying the, she's; thinking and acting more like the Saints she's reporting on.: Kazuo Akuji. He also despises Shogo because he caused the death of his beloved dog, Sadie.: Was in both games, but played a major role against the Ronin in Saints Row 2.: He was able to hold his own against long enough for the Boss to arrive.: He has a translator follow him around, but he doesn't need him as he can understand and speak English (albeit with a heavy accent) and even.: Speaks mostly Mandarin Chinese, while having an interpreter translate.: Before their fight, Kazuo boasts that Wong should be thankful that his death will be merciful compared to what he has planned for the Saints. Wong's responce? Played By: Andrew BowenAn actor set to star as a member of The Saints in an upcoming movie and the star of.
To get the real experience of being a Saint, he tags along on a bank heist with The Boss, Johnny Gat and Shaundi (who he has a massive crush on).: His crush on Shaundi is emphatically not reciprocated. If you call them as homies together his attempts at flirting are met with threats of violence.: When Shaundi meets up with him after the bank heist she wants to kill him. Not because he got them caught however, because he's hitting on her. Shaundi: Boss you have to get me out of here! He's proposed to me six times! Can I kill him?
Please god tell me I can kill him.: In his Nyte Blayde persona. Not that he isn't one already.: As a homie, he will be equipped with a stun gun or, as Nyteblayde, a weak pistol. However, much like the other homies, he can pick up weapons left on the ground by dead enemies, meaning that he can soon enough be equipped with an SMG, a shotgun or maybe even a rocket launcher. His car of choice, The Temptress, is also one of the fastest in the game.: Willing to stay with the Saints after they kidnapped him just so that he could be with Shaundi, after which he'll be a recruitable homie (both as his regular self and as Nyte Blayde).: Has an obsession with Shaundi and tries to use his acting as a tragic to woo her. Sadly for him she's basically turned into and just wants to kill him, even pleading with the Boss to do so.: His last name is a different spelling of the word 'berk', which means 'idiot'.
Rhyming slang makes it 'berkley hunt', or cunt. He lives up to the name.: He bails in the opening mission after accidentally setting off an alarm.
Played By:The Host of Professor Genki's Super Ethical Reality Climax, the most popular TV show in Steelport.: Professor Genki can be found in the city as a that goes around killing random people. The Genkibowl VII DLC pretty much confirm this.: Just play his game show ONCE and this becomes extremely obvious.: The seem to suggest this and so does the Genkibowl VII.: Combination of the other participants trying to kill you and the course having numerous. It's basically in a parody of Japanese gameshows.: According to his publicist in Genkibowl VII, if you look at him in the eyes, you'll wake up in a prison camp in North Korea.: Shooting pandas is considered unethical and gets you a penalty.: In the same vein as Takeshi's Castle, but with lethal obstacles.: His personal car comes with multible built-in flamethrowers.: Definitely plays the part, and if he did invent the Octopus Gun and Manapult then he really is one.: He is the unofficial mascot of. The player can have homies dressed up like him as well.: Occasionally appears wandering the world as a mascot and is borderline.: For all his awesomeness, a satchel charge placed on him will cause him to run around with arms flailing about like any other NPC. Running him over with a vehicle and leaving it on top also works. The wife and widow of Richard Hughes. She is Mayor of Stilwater in and a U.S.
She is the one who spearheads the STAG Initiative.: Played a very minor role in the 2nd game, but became one of the major antagonists of the 3rd.: In the second game, she hires the player to. In the third game, she works against the Saints.: As a politician, she tries to keep public opinion of herself positive. She also believes this is the way ('hearts and minds') to win the war against gangs and uses Nyte Blayde to aid STAG's public image. Cyrus disagrees with her. Kia: Nyte Blayde's the face of STAG? Why don't you just put someone in a fucking deer suit?Monica: Hearts and minds will win the war, my dear.Cyrus: Shock and awe wins wars, Senator.
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Authorize and this will all be over. Crosses over with in that if you take the route of disarming the bombs, she points out to Cyrus that his forces declared martial law and destroyed half the city, while the Saints foiled a terrorist plot to blow up a monument. She may not like the Saints, but she knows when a battle isn't worth fighting.: Cheerleaders can be heard saying 'It's okay, we won't lose, we'll just cheat like Mayor Hughes!'
.: She is a behind-the-scenes antagonist to the Saints. Kia: Nyte Blayde's the face of STAG? Why don't you just put someone in a fucking deer suit?Monica: Hearts and minds will win the war, my dear.Cyrus: Shock and awe wins wars, Senator. Cyrus' second in command. Played By:'Burt Fucking Reynolds!?' The renowned actor who also happens to be the mayor of Steelport.: Seen making out with a hooker in his introduction. Subverted with Kinzie.
Apparently she was with him, but he couldn't live up to her expectations.: In-universe example. Apparently has outsmarted Paramilitary groups before and is feared by even Loren. The Boss all but bows down in reverence upon realizing who he is.: Have Oleg and Burt as Homies at the same time and they'll mentioned having fought each other in Moscow.: Goes without saying.: As Viola notes, you don't fuck with the mayor. A loving wife, mother, whom Playa helps out in the first game, after which she becomes a homie.
She returns in the sequel to help the Saints against the Sons Of Somedi.: You can even call her up as a homie in the first game. She brings a SHOTGUN with her.: Aside from the whole drug thing she's one of the most moral people in the city. When Boss breaks her out of jail she even leaves a nice note.: In the first game she's not much beyond a supporting character, but in the sequal she plays a larger role in helping bring down one of the rival gangs.: To her husband, Tobias.: Has a bit of this in the first game. Played By: Brandon KeenerLike his wife Laura he deals drugs in the first game and helps the Saints take out a rival gang in the sequel. He also drives their getaway helicopter in the last mission of the game.: Though he chills out a lot by 2.: Just an angry drug dealer in the first game, but vital to the Saints in the second.: You don't ever steal from him, and you certainly never skim off the top. Billy learned this the hard way.: To his wife, Laura.: Never seen with a shirt on in either game. Boss's unfortunate co-star in the 'Gangstas In Space' DLC who plays his love interest in the movie they are filming.: Not just her, but her entire race as well!.: Holds her own in all of the fights she and Boss engage in.
(It may be just a movie, but the actors are using lethal weapons.).: Her to Andy is a list of things she hates relating to his attitude, but the last thing she says is 'and I hate your stupid scarf!' .: In the first third of the DLC she is nothing but polite and friendly even when she gets treated like crap. Then, in act 2 she kills a bunch of girls who were set to replace her and in act 3 she kills the director who did nothing but insult her from the very start.: During the first mission only. Once you free her she becomes a valuable partner.: After an entire movie of abuse from the asshole director she runs him down with a freaking space ship!.: Her character is a princess who is. Fighting her own race because. They are all under mind control.?
Or something? The script for the movie sucks.: Not really, but she plays one in the movie.: She proves to be even more bloodthirsty and ruthless if provoked than even the Boss expected.
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Naturally, many fans still find her extremely sexy, including perhaps Boss himself/herself.: The Boss is generally quite supportive of her and often encourages her to stand up for herself and not take Zhen's bullshit.: Both her and the Space Amazons (The enemies for the DLC, which are supposed to be the same alien race as she is.) use this as their weapon of choice. The director for the Gangstas in Space movie.: From the moment he first appears, you're waiting for his comeuppance.: He has no qualm with killing his actors and crew off to make the movie look more realistic.: This prick's death was more satisfying than many of the actual gang leaders!.: Whoo boy. Its one thing to treat one actor better than another, but this guy doesn't get that praising the Boss, and then immediately turning around and hurling abuse at Jenny right in front of the Boss, isn't a good idea. Even when she starts making death threats at him and trying to run his ass down with a giant spaceship, he's more offended that she's gone off-script.: To the Boss. His mistake is that the Boss is aware there's a line between cooperating and straight-up ass-kissing. An amateur whose experiments with recovered Saints DNA go horribly wrong in the DLC pack The Trouble With Clones, requiring Pierce and the Boss to intervene.: Socially inept, undoubtedly, but confident enough in his work that he actually tries to clone the late Johnny Gat, of all people, and then has the guts to go directly to the Boss and spill everything he knows after it goes wrong.: Just look at what he did with a can of Saints Flow. God only knows what he could do if he had access to some high-end lab equipment.: Type 1, complete with spittle-spewing lisp and.

A lumbering brute who was cloned from the DNA of Johnny Gat. He sets off on a massive rampage across the city, forcing Boss and Pierce to track him down with his creator Jimmy Torbitson.: This thing is NOT Johnny Gat, that's for damn sure.: Shares a few of the origonal Johnny's interests and looks a little bit like him, but is otherwise a completely different individual.: Being turned into a brute only made Johnny tougher, and he was already extremely tough anyway!.: Well, last name at least. Played By: Jay Mohr.: Turns out to be the main antagonist of the second game.: In the fourth game DLC.:Strike a deal with the winning gang, get credit for cleaning up Stilwater. The Boss nuked that dream nicely.: In the DLC expansion to the fourth game.
. 6 sharesSaints Row: The Third successfully managed to redefine the franchise and carve out a niche in the sandbox arena by offering, extreme and over-the-top visuals and gameplay scenarios, with the primary focus being simply on crazy fun and just plain crazy.So, with THQ gone, and Deep Silver now picking up the publishing reins for developer Volition, how does Saints Row 4 raise the bar from having Burt Reynolds on speed dial, a dildo bat weapon and singing zombies? It’s simple. No, not really – although that was the original plan – just put them in charge of the entire nation, give them, superpowers and aliens to fight.What was originally meant to be a DLC expansion for Saints Row 3, and its development team merged with the team working on, which began development two months before The Third released.For that reason, and the seemingly quick release date after the THQ bankruptcy, there are obvious concerns that Saints Row 4 is more of a rushed cash-in before the next-gen consoles (and Grand Theft Auto V) release and that it’s more of a 3.5 than a 4. The game’s creative director Steve Jaros tells Joystiq that’s not the case:“We had to go in and totally gut the Dominatrix story for Saints Row 4.
Everything that was the missions or the story we did for Dominatrix was totally thrown out. All the voice recording that we did all thrown out. We redid the entire story. The game is mission wise the same length as Saints Row 3, plus other open worlds on top of it.”“Everyone on the team had the same concern, we didn’t want to make a 3.5, we aren’t making an expansion pack. What we put out to the world has to be worthy of the name Saints Row 4. I really think everyone on the team will stand behind it. So much stuff has been changed and thrown out.
Even the best of the Dominatrix stuff that we liked and pulled into the game we still changed. Nothing was drag and dropped in.”With Javros previously reiterating to game press at PAX East over the weekend that Saints Row 4 has a “F. ton more” open world content than Saints Row: The Third, we’re feeling rather optimistic about the next 3rd Street Saints adventure, even though it’s always a little disconcerting to hear of there being so much post-launch DLC in development.