Become A Living God
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Become A Living God Soul Travel
So here's what happened. One day, I was struck by a bolt of handwavium, and it caused me to become immortal (unkillable by any means).
Shortly after that, a majority of civilization was wiped out by global nuclear war, and I got buried under tons of rubble for a long, long time.I emerged from the rubble eventually, and encountered a small tribe of survivors who had somehow managed to rebuild a very simple civilization. Their initial reaction upon seeing me, alive despite my lack of protective clothing in a harsh, post-nuclear apocalypse landscape, was one of awe. They welcomed me into their homes readily enough.
Their language has evolved slightly, but sufficiently rooted in English that I was able to communicate with them after a bit of trial and error.I learned that they have no religious belief - the teachings of Christianity, Buddhism, or whatever have you did not survive the apocalypse. They are pragmatic people who seek simply to eke out an existence on a dying planet.I am of slightly above average intelligence, unfortunately with no special skills or talents except for being immortal.
I remember things from before the apocalypse, which no one else in the tribe does. With this, how do I establish myself as a living god among these survivors? $begingroup$ You claim to have no additional powers, but it seems you do. You were trapped and alone in what was presumably darkness for what must have been at least a few generations and you have not suffered a substantial mental abnormality?
Any other human would. We are social creatures that will quickly begin to hallucinate and suffer significant mental degeneration without stimuli.
It seems more likely that you have only been trapped a few weeks and the entire adventure you propose is a hallucination you are having. $endgroup$–Dec 22 '16 at 22:25. If you're happy taking a while to do it, just keep being you.
You're an immortal in a tribal society that will have a very short lifespan. You alone can go outside into the wastes and bring back new tech, food, whatever. You alone can walk into an enemy village and not be killed. You alone remember the wisdom of ages past, and remember the histories of the village.It really shouldn't take that long for you to become a godlike figure in the minds of the villagers without doing anything special, just keep helping out that tribe and occasionally throw in references to 'the time before all this' and they'll build godhood around you.Note: This is a very Nordic/South American view of godhood. They won't assume you're all powerful (they know you aren't) and they likely won't assume you're the only one, but they will attribute deity-like traits to you.
After all: You're unkillable. Just be 'you' as hard as you canBut remember to stick to what you've got, it's important not to pretend to any power or ability that you don't actually have. You mustn't get into a position where there's a risk of 'being found out' because inevitably they will.However you're not bound by the primary restriction of their society which is the need to survive. That is enough for you to achieve a level of godhood.When it comes to skills, you have time, plenty of time, to develop any skills you may choose to get. Maybe the first hundred generations won't consider you a god but when you have all the skills and you're still not dead, having given them technology they'd thought lost forever, you will gain a level of reverence appropriate to the old pantheons.If nothing else, tribes tend to be gerontocracies and you're going to be the oldest by a long margin. Remember, C3P0 was able to assume deity status by being physically distinct, understanding the local's language, and pulling off simple levitation. If the tribes you encounter have reverted to oral stories to pass down their history, you could insert yourself into their lore by showing up in their village, performing an act of 'magic,' and then foretelling your own return in 3-4 generations from now.
Keep on travelling from tribe to tribe, sowing the same legend in each tribe. Once your legend has been passed down for a few generations, return to each village and convince them to join a growing kingdom of your followers.About the 'magic,' Arthur C.
Clarke pointed out that 'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.' After a nuclear apocalypse, there's bound to be some technology that's either barely inoperable (requiring a little repair-work to restore), or technology that's still functional, but stopped when it's operators died of radiation poisoning.For instance, if you can find a source of running water, you could convince a village to build a water wheel, hook up an alternator or generator, and maybe cobble together a rudimentary electrical grid.
By the time you make your way back to this village, they may have improved their standard of living substantially. Other technology worth resurrecting would be water filtration, or antiseptics. Both of those could easily double the survival rate of a post-nuclear-war tribe. The thing you've missed is that you now have unlimited access to the most valuable resource a human can have - time. Since you are (assumed) a timeless immortal and cannot be killed via any means, you can learn and master every skill or trade out there. You can hone your skills and acquire wisdom beyond what a normal person would be capable of.
You can, quite literally, try anything and everything in the world and survive it. You can jump off of tall buildings and trees without dying, and do any number of inhumane things, thus proving your godhood.
Drink poison, prove you're not only invulnerable on the outside, but you're also impervious from the inside. You obviously don't need air, being buried under rubble for years, which means you can swim underwater forever. Anything you do that defies normal human ability could be explained away by saying 'Because I'm a god.' The simple things above alone would likely cause them to view you as a god already. Believe the lie and study human natureAs a storytelling motif, you should consider that your character has been buried in the ground for hundreds of years. Anyone who has been given a 'gift' of immortality but has to sit locked in dirt/stone with nothing but their thoughts for all that time will inevitably go a little crazy.Your character would spend a large portion of their time simply asking themselves 'Why me?'
They would likely begin to think that there must be some form of existing deity that gave THEM immortality, which makes THEM important and, even if they aren't an omnipotent, historically-eternal deity they are future-eternal and must be so for a purpose.After having them spend another couple hundred years thinking about their situation, who knows what creative ideas your character could project onto themselves. In fact, they could conclude that if society still exists, and if they are one day discovered, their 'wisdom' from thinking for hundreds of years is a gift that gives them impeccable judgement on all situations.
Emerging from the ground, by the hands of other humans could be both a sign to mortals of your god-ship and 'confirm' your characters suspicions that they were to become a god amongst men.The easiest way to sell a lie is to believe it yourself. Believe it and act as such.
If you think you are a god, you will act as a god.The next step in this story could be to make it your characters godly-purpose to be a student of mortals. How do they behave with one another, how do they mold their lives around impending death and how do they experience love that inevitably ends.You are now immortal and have the luxury of studying humanity for thousands of years. By learning tell-tale signs of human behavior, your character could exhibit a near omniscient gift by reading individuals subtle body language and knowing very-well what certain macro-events in history always tend to lead too.Eventually, you could develop a near-prophetic 'gift', being able to foretell events, some times decades before they occur. Your words would be revered and even though your words come from years of observation and recognizing patterns of human behavior, many would find it VERY hard to dispute your godship. You can't die and you're 'always right'.
Allow Their Best Warriors to Try to Kill YouSince you are unkillable by any means, simply tell them all of their best warriors should try to kill you. They will be unable to and be in awe. However, you should only allow them to perform acts on you that do not leave you helplessly imprisoned for all eternity, as pointed out by user in the comments on this answer. Really Show ThemIf they fail to really do a good job of trying to kill you, try sleeping in a huge, raging fire. Bathe in boiling water. Let a huge boulder smash down on top of you from a mountain top.
Swim in lava! Get cobras to bite every square inch of you!
Let packs of radioactive three-headed psycho jackals attack you and laugh them off!If that doesn't convince them you are godlike, then the radiation has destroyed too much of their brains to make them worth talking to. Assume typical mid-western american male status prior to the apocalypse event. Make your godlike character a bit of Military History buff who likes to maybe build stuff around the house. If the landscape hasn't changed too much this gives you a huge range of options.1) Military history background would allow him to forge an unbeatable army by using the tactics of the Roman phalanx, Ghengis Kahn, English Longbowmen, etc. Depending upon available resources. Lord God General will be his title! He will also have the advantage of knowing the advantages of military discipline in a hostile environment.2) Handyman skills would be useful in both improving both village life and improving security and fortifications.

In the era of HVAC systems we forget the potential of a sealed box wood burning stove for heating. It should be fairly easy to construct with primitive ironworks. If he knows anything about Rocket Stoves for cooking and heating, even better. He would also know the need for insulation, having paid many an electric bill. Also, gardening leads to agriculture. Title changed to Beneficent Lord God General!3) If the local landscape hasn't changed too much, he might be able to find his way to a nearby deserted small town Library.

He then becomes the Most Wise and Beneficent Lord God General.The entire premise kind of reminds me of Robert Adams Horseclans novels. One of the main characters is Milo Morai. He's Highlander Style immortal and survives world war 3 and forges a new Horse based society.
Become A Living God Ebook
The book 'A man called Milo Morai' details the first part of his journey.Sounds like a fun story in the making!
Question: 'What does it mean to be a living sacrifice?' Answer:In Romans 12:1, Paul says, “I beseech you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, pleasing to God, which is your reasonable service.” Paul’s admonition to the believers in Rome was to sacrifice themselves to God, not as a sacrifice on the altar, as the Mosaic Law required the sacrifice of animals, but as a living sacrifice. The dictionary defines sacrifice as “anything consecrated and offered to God.” As believers, how do we consecrate and offer ourselves to God as a living sacrifice?Under the Old Covenant, God accepted the sacrifices of animals. But these were just a foreshadowing of the sacrifice of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. Because of His ultimate, once-for-all-time sacrifice on the cross, the Old Testament sacrifices became obsolete and are no longer of any effect (Hebrews 9:11-12). For those who are in Christ by virtue of saving faith, the only acceptable worship is to offer ourselves completely to the Lord. Under God’s control, the believer’s yet-unredeemed body can and must be yielded to Him as an instrument of righteousness (Romans 6:12-13; 8:11-13).
In view of the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus for us, this is only “reasonable.”What does a living sacrifice look like in the practical sense? The following verse (Romans 12:2) helps us to understand. We are a living sacrifice for God by not being conformed to this world.
The world is defined for us in 1 John 2:15-16 as the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. All that the world has to offer can be reduced to these three things. The lust of the flesh includes everything that appeals to our appetites and involves excessive desires for food, drink, sex, and anything else that satisfies physical needs. Lust of the eyes mostly involves materialism, coveting whatever we see that we don’t have and envying those who have what we want. The pride of life is defined by any ambition for that which puffs us up and puts us on the throne of our own lives.How can believers NOT be conformed to the world? By being “transformed by the renewing of our minds.” We do this primarily through the power of God’s Word to transform us. We need to hear (Romans 10:17), read (Revelation 1:3), study (Acts 17:11), memorize (Psalm 119:9-11), and meditate on (Psalm 1:2-3) Scripture.
The Word of God, ministered in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, is the only power on earth that can transform us from worldliness to true spirituality. In fact, it is all we need to be made “complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16, NKJV). The result is that we will be “able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will” (Romans 12:2b). It is the will of God for every believer to be a living sacrifice for Jesus Christ.Recommended Resource.