Star Wars Mod Reborn
The Star Wars – The Force Mod is the biggest mod in the trilogy and probably the one that adds more variety and fun to the game. You get to be a jedi and use powers (for good or evil), which are a lot of fun but also a little overpowered, specially if you have multiple force sensitive people in your colony. SWGOH.GG is a Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Database and Squad Builder for the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes app on iOS and Android. Star Wars Mod by mikhailskatchkov reborn. The place to discuss scripting and game modifications for X³: Terran Conflict and X³: Albion Prelude. Moderators: Moderators for English X Forum, Scripting / Modding Moderators.
Uploader:Evil33 brings us a well compiled Knights of the Old Republic era mod aptly named KotOR Mod. It draws from a variety of free-release sources to bring us a nicely blended mod. It currently replaces the three standard Forces of Corruption factions with the Old Republic, the Sith Empire and the Mandalorian clans. For all of the mod players out there seeking to appease their love of the Old Republic era, be sure to give this mod a download.The story:When Revan arrived at the Starforge, Canderous disappeared. Carth followed Revan to rescue Bastila. They fought their way to the command center of the station where they found her.
After that Revan headed to Malak's room and while they were duelling a third fleet dropped out of the hyperspace. Canderous had, behind Revan's back, reformed the Mandalorian Clans and lead them into the battle of the Starforge. In this moment Revan opened his mind to the dark side to fear all his enemies out there in space.Bastila and Carth felt the quake in the force and decided to flee form the station as long as they were able to. They reached the Republic forces and together with Admiral Dodonna and Master Vandar they decided that their fleet can't fight against two enemies at the same time.
So they jumped with the rest of the Republic fleet to hyperspace.When Canderous realized that the Republic retreat and that his troops would not have any chance against the Starforge and its infinite army, he told his fleet to prepare the hyperjump but then the hole power of the dark side irrupted the Mandalorians. The Neo-Crusaders were rolling on the floor crying and only these with enormous willpower were able to resist the madness attacking their minds.When most of his mates were dead Canderous realized that Revan had nearly killed his whole army. Revan's rage cooled down and around the Starforge dozens of ships floating around with no one being alive on board.Canderous and a few close mates managed to escape and swore to erase the Sith Empire for that Revan has done. But for getting strong enough to destroy the Sith they first had to get the necessary ressources and there was only one faction which had enough to be a rewarding target:The Republic. Author:Evil33 brings us a well compiled Knights of the Old Republic era mod aptly named KotOR Mod. It draws from a variety of free-release sources to bring us a nicely blended mod. It currently replaces the three standard Forces of Corruption factions with the Old Republic, the Sith Empire and the Mandalorian clans.

For all of the mod players out there seeking to appease their love of the Old Republic era, be sure to give this mod a download.The story:When Revan arrived at the Starforge, Canderous disappeared. Carth followed Revan to rescue Bastila. They fought their way to the command center of the station where they found her. After that Revan headed to Malak's room and while they were duelling a third fleet dropped out of the hyperspace. Canderous had, behind Revan's back, reformed the Mandalorian Clans and lead them into the battle of the Starforge.
In this moment Revan opened his mind to the dark side to fear all his enemies out there in space.Bastila and Carth felt the quake in the force and decided to flee form the station as long as they were able to. They reached the Republic forces and together with Admiral Dodonna and Master Vandar they decided that their fleet can't fight against two enemies at the same time.
So they jumped with the rest of the Republic fleet to hyperspace.When Canderous realized that the Republic retreat and that his troops would not have any chance against the Starforge and its infinite army, he told his fleet to prepare the hyperjump but then the hole power of the dark side irrupted the Mandalorians. The Neo-Crusaders were rolling on the floor crying and only these with enormous willpower were able to resist the madness attacking their minds.When most of his mates were dead Canderous realized that Revan had nearly killed his whole army. Revan's rage cooled down and around the Starforge dozens of ships floating around with no one being alive on board.Canderous and a few close mates managed to escape and swore to erase the Sith Empire for that Revan has done. But for getting strong enough to destroy the Sith they first had to get the necessary ressources and there was only one faction which had enough to be a rewarding target:The Republic.
Uploader:This update packs quite a punch for less than 6 MB. Although still not perfect, it's getting better with every release/update (as it should). The balancing issues in particular have been addressed nicely. You need the full version 0.9 before you can use this update. You can get it here.This patch for my KotOR mod fixes several bug and rebalances the space mode. It also brings some new units and changed scalings.Please remember, this is a patch so you need the 0.9 full version to play it.thestag.
Author:This update packs quite a punch for less than 6 MB. Although still not perfect, it's getting better with every release/update (as it should). The balancing issues in particular have been addressed nicely. You need the full version 0.9 before you can use this update. You can get it here.This patch for my KotOR mod fixes several bug and rebalances the space mode. It also brings some new units and changed scalings.Please remember, this is a patch so you need the 0.9 full version to play it.thestag. Uploader:Nice canyons and prop placement make this map congruent with what Ryloth was made to look like in the vanilla version of the game.The bridge at the bottom of the map has some problems surrounding it, but nothing a little work can't fix.
There are Imperial forces that have been mostly destroyed at a landing zone. The problem is there are some survivors but they can't be controlled or destroyed. There is the same problem in the middle of the map where some Twileks and defensive structures are. Although those are less noticible because you can't get to them since they are up in the mountains.The rest of the map is very playable, as we have come to expect from Bly.
There's a Twilek base in the southwest corner of the map and the Rebels and Imperials are separated by two canyons that have capturable turbolasers and landing zones for fortification.thestag. Author:Nice canyons and prop placement make this map congruent with what Ryloth was made to look like in the vanilla version of the game.The bridge at the bottom of the map has some problems surrounding it, but nothing a little work can't fix.
There are Imperial forces that have been mostly destroyed at a landing zone. The problem is there are some survivors but they can't be controlled or destroyed. There is the same problem in the middle of the map where some Twileks and defensive structures are. Aatagadharaa siva songs in saavn. Although those are less noticible because you can't get to them since they are up in the mountains.The rest of the map is very playable, as we have come to expect from Bly. There's a Twilek base in the southwest corner of the map and the Rebels and Imperials are separated by two canyons that have capturable turbolasers and landing zones for fortification.thestag.
Star Wars Mod Reborn
Uploader:Version 2.0-New Gc's-Fixed campaign-New maps-ZIP not RAR like last timeComming next:-massive ammount of maps-FOTG 0.95I especially like the replacement of the stock FOC maps. Some of the replacement maps are from vanilla EAW single player campaign, some of them appear to be tweaks of those maps, while others are original maps placed into this mod.
The placement of planets into their canon locations makes me happy.There are also some new Galactic Conquests to challenge you. The historical accuracy is now much better and several levels contain surprises.
This is a series that I am enjoying more than I probably should.thestag. Author:Version 2.0-New Gc's-Fixed campaign-New maps-ZIP not RAR like last timeComming next:-massive ammount of maps-FOTG 0.95I especially like the replacement of the stock FOC maps.
Some of the replacement maps are from vanilla EAW single player campaign, some of them appear to be tweaks of those maps, while others are original maps placed into this mod. The placement of planets into their canon locations makes me happy.There are also some new Galactic Conquests to challenge you. The historical accuracy is now much better and several levels contain surprises. This is a series that I am enjoying more than I probably should.thestag.
Uploader:237thSCComBly has pulled out all the stops for this map. Included is 2 copies, one for skirmish mode and one for galactic conquest mode. He added a.txt file that adds the sarlacc. You need to know a bit about editing.xml files to make this work. If you don't know, then don't worry, it's not necessary to enjoy this Felucia map.The map itself is very nicely done with plenty of poisonous plants and animals to keep infantry from moving too quickly.
There are some back paths that only infantry can take which will add to the strategy. I'm going to keep this as the replacement for my GC Felucia map.thestag. Author:237thSCComBly has pulled out all the stops for this map. Included is 2 copies, one for skirmish mode and one for galactic conquest mode.
He added a.txt file that adds the sarlacc. You need to know a bit about editing.xml files to make this work. If you don't know, then don't worry, it's not necessary to enjoy this Felucia map.The map itself is very nicely done with plenty of poisonous plants and animals to keep infantry from moving too quickly.

There are some back paths that only infantry can take which will add to the strategy. I'm going to keep this as the replacement for my GC Felucia map.thestag.
Mar 9 2018PatchPatch 1.0.5 (CTD fix) place & 14.dat into addons folder, you will be prompted with overwrite request, click YES. Same with the script folder, you.'
X3 star wars mod' patch 1.0.1 to 1.0.5 patchNo files were found matching the criteria specified. We suggest you try the with no filter applied, to browse all available. And help us achieve our mission of showcasing the best content from all developers. To share your own content, we welcome creators and consumers alike and look forward to your comments.