Game Of Thrones Westerlands

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  1. Game Of Thrones Westerlands
  2. The Stormlands Game Of Thrones

How can the answer be improved? TV Shows Game of Thrones. Arya had wanted to join Robb and Jon to the Westerlands but Lady Catelyn had forbade it and her verdict was received unanimously. Spending time with Portman-even when he’s recuperating from a late night, one in which he hung out with Game of Thrones superfan Dave Chappelle-is as refreshing as a Pod scene on the show itself.


. ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀʟ ɪɴғᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ.The Westerlands are one of the seven Kingdoms of Westeros and can be found in it's most Western part.

Before Aegon Targaryen and his sister-wives conquered Westeros, the Westerlands were instead known as the Kingdom of the Rock with the title of 'King of the Rock' used my the monarchs from House Lannister who ruled the part of Westeros, the western hills and valleys, that are described as the Westerlands.The people who live in the Westerlands are referred to as Westermen and the name that is given to Bastards born there is Hill. House Lannister is the ruling House and their seat is Casterly Rock, though I'll talk about their castle later. The Lannisters have many Housea as their bannermen.


Some of the most popular and powerful ones are House Brax of Hornvale, the Cleganes of Clegane's Keep, Hoyse Payne or House Westerling, ruling from their seat called the Crag.────. ₊ ✦ ₊. ────. ᴄʟɪᴍᴀᴛᴇ, ɢᴇᴏɢʀᴀᴘʜʏ ᴀɴᴅ ᴘᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ.Like the name already indicates can the Westerlands be found in the Western Part of Westeros. The Wasterlands border directly to the Sunset Sea in the West and up in the North Ironman's Bay as well as the Iron Islands and their inhabitants can be found.

In the Northeastern parts, the Westerlands extend near to the Ruins of Oldstones, the remnants on an ancient castle in the Northern Riverlands and named that way after the original name was lost, as well as the Blue fork, one of the three main rivers of the Trident.In the Northwestern parts the Houses Banefort and Westerling have their castles and on an Island called Fair Isle, Faircastle is located. In the West, the Westerlands extend in form if a peninsula in the Sunset Sea.

The merchant and market town Kayce can be found there.The Tumblestone and the Red Fork, two important Rivers, both have their origin in the Westerlands and from that point continue flowing east into the direction of the Riverlands. A passage, the Hill Road, leads trough the eastern mountains and is guarded by the Golden Tooth, more commonly known as 'The tooth'. It is a castle serving as the seat of House Lefford and is located along the Riverroad and east of Ashemark and Sarsfield. Although it's small it's still a very strong keep and has the control over passengers who want to travel directly between the Westerlands and the Riverlands. In order to attack the Westerlands from the east, the soldiers would have to take the Golden Tooth to have a secure passage.Further south the Goldroad is to be found, and is considered a major road in southern Westeros. It begins at the Lion Gste in the Crownlands and ends at Lannisport and Casterly Rock.


The south of the Westerlands in general is flatter than the rest of the country and includes Field and Forest area.More general, the Westerlands are an area consisting out of jagged Mountains in the east and the south, many Hills and Plains. Manye labyrinth-like caves can be found inside of the Hillocks and cliffs, filles with riches and Goldmines. The climate in the Westerlands is mild.Even if the Westerlands can't be considered outstandingly large, fertile or populous they still are the most powerful, simply because they are the richest and have a reservoir of gold and silver mines spread throughout the whole country and providing them with enough supplies. The most popular Gold mines can be found under Casterly Rock, the seat of House Lannister, the Goldtooth, Castamere, Nunn's Deep and the Pendric Hills. Rumors tell that settlements that have formed around the ore mines get abandoned once said mines stop producing gold.────.

₊ ✦ ₊. ────. ᴀʀᴍʏ ᴀɴᴅ ᴍɪʟɪᴛᴀʀʏ.The army size of House Lannister is estimated to be approximately 50'000 men, however does this number also include young boys who aren't yet ready to fight in any battle and would also count in the soldiers needed to protect the various castles which would otherwise be defenseless, meaning that the number would most likely vary between 25'000 and 30'000 fully armed and trained soldiers.The Lannister's also have the command over the fleet at Lannisport, which consists out of twenty to thirty cogs, carracks, galleys and dromonds. Some lesser Lords have control over a few ships as well. After the fleet was burned in 289 AC, the ships of Casterly Rock were rebuilt.────. ₊ ✦ ₊.

────. ʜɪsᴛᴏʀʏ ᴀɴᴅ ʟᴏʀᴇ.ᴛʜᴇ ғɪʀsᴛ ᴍᴇɴ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʜɪʟᴅʀᴇɴThere aren't many reports on events before the first Men arrived at Westeros, but what is known is that just like in the Rest of Westeros, Giants and the Children once had populated the Westerlands and fought for their lands with the first Men.

The bloody fights ended when both sides agreed to a peace treaty which allowed the Children to keep only the Forests. Still today some noble houses proudly exclaim that - ancestors are from the first men, for example Houses like the Baneforts, Crakehalls, Greenfields, Reynes and Westerlings. During the Age of Hero the widely famous 'Lann the Clever', ancestor of House Lannister was able to take Casterly Rock away from House Casterly.The legends say that the first Lord Casterly was a simple Huntsman from a village there Lannisport now can be found. According to this story he had followed a Lion who had troubled his village to his cave where he slew the beast but spared the cubs.

Once he set foot deeper into the cave he discovered the gold veins that were said to be bigger than a man's waist. Over the years they digged deeper into the stone, slowly forming and building tunnels, galleries, staircases and rooks until the mountain finally turned into a castle. There are there popular theories on how Lann managed to take all of this away from the Casterlys.1st theory ➸The most popular theory is that one day, Lann found a small, secret passage leading into the castle. To get inside he removed his clothes and applied butter to his skin.

Once he had been able to get inside the Keep he began with his actions. Whispering threats into the ears of the sleeping inhabitants, howling in the Darkness like a Demon or stealing from the one brother and hiding it in the room of the other are only some of the things he supposedly did. He secretly started arguments and anger and made them believe that Casterly Rock was cursed.2nd theory ➸The next theory is more simple.

Lann once again used the secret passage but instead of getting inside himself he had mouses, rats and other animals enter the Castle through it.3rd theory ➸The last one of the three theories is probably the most likeliest. It tells us that Lann was able to sleep with Lord Casterly's daughter, giving her many children with golden hair just like his own. According to this version of the story, Lann could have been a servant to House Casterly and after he impregnated the daughter, he married her.

Game Of Thrones Westerlands

If it really happened like this the Castle would have went to the daughter after the former Lord's death and thus, to Lann and his children. Fact is that one day the Casterlys disappeared from the Chronicles and the Lannisters took their Place.────. ₊ ✦ ₊. ────. ʜɪsᴛᴏʀʏ ᴀɴᴅ ʟᴏʀᴇ.ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏɴϙᴜᴇsᴛDuring the time of the Kingdom of the Rock and the Lannister regency, they acquired much territory surrounding their Lands, for example the lands that belonged to House Reyne or House Banefort.

When the Andals invaded Westeros they initially tried to resist their forces but after a while they realised that offering alliances trough marriages would be the best solution and allowed Andals to marry into the noble Houses of Westeros. Trough these marriages new Houses were formed which ultimately allowed the Lannisters to gain more power. Ser Joffrey Lydden was crowned as the first Andal King of the Rock after his wife's father Gerold III Lannister died without a male heir.

Joffrey adapted the Lannister name.Unlike other Houses the Andal support helped the Lannisters to acquire more lands and territory. They extended their rule to the Golden Tooth and Fair Isle and also participated in the constant fights near the borders together with the Kings of the Trident and the Kings of the Reach. Punctuation checker.

After the Ironborn had plagued the coasts of the Westerlands for many centuries their newfound strenght helped them to get rid of this threat. Finally, King Gerold the Great raided the Iron Isles and brought back one hundred hostages. He kept them at Casterly Rock and hanged one of them every time the shores of the Westerlands were raided.────. ₊ ✦ ₊. ────. ʜɪsᴛᴏʀʏ ᴀɴᴅ ʟᴏʀᴇ.ᴛᴀʀɢᴀʀʏᴇɴ ʀᴇɪɢɴWhen Aegon Targaryen and his sister-wives began their conquest of Westeros, King Loren I Lannister gathered his allies and their armies to fight him.

He allied with Mern IX Gardener who was the King of the Reach at that time and managed to assemble the enormous Host of the Two Kings, but they stood no change against the Targaryen's with their Dragons. Loren escaped the battle that should later become famous as the Field of Fire, surrendered to Aegon and thus managed to have his House survive the conquest, unlike House Gardener.

The Stormlands Game Of Thrones

His position was confirmed and supported by the Targaryens and from this day onwards the Westerlands became a Part of the Seven Kingdoms.The Ironborn always had been a constant trouble for the Westerlands but during the Dance of the Dragons, Dalton Greyjoy, also known as the Red Kraken and considered a Great Hero by the Ironborn, attacked and raides the Westerlands. Many other battles were fought, especially during the First Blackfyre Rebellion but one of them should never be forgotten.Lors Tytos Lannister, father of Tywin Lannister was a weak man and nearly managed to loose all the power and wealth that the Lannisters had built of for decades. When Lors Reyne and Lord Tarbeck allied their Houses to overthrow their Lannister Lord in a rebellion, Tywin was able to successfully stop them by leading the campaign against their revolt. Both families were destroyed and extinguished, just like their seats and ever since this day no other House had dared to challenge the mighty rulers of the Westerlands.────. ₊ ✦ ₊. ────As always, thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed it!.

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