Sholawat Nabi Muhammad Saw Yang Benar
Terjemahan Surat 01 Al-Fatihah Pembukaan (The Opening) 开幕式 Versi Trilingual Dalam Tiga Bahasa, Yaitu Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris Dan Bahasa Mandarin.Surah Al-Fatihah is the first chapter (surah) of The Holy Quran. Its six or seven verses (ayah) are a prayer for the guidance, lordship, and mercy of Allah SWT (God). This chapter has an essential role in Islamic prayer (salat). The primary literal meaning of the expression 'al-Fatiḥah' is 'The Opener'.Which could refer to this Surah being 'the opener of the Book' (Fatiḥat al-kitab), to it's being the first Surah recited in full in every prayer cycle (rakʿah), or to the manner in which it serves as an opening for many functions in everyday Islamic life. Some Muslims interpret it as a reference to an implied ability of the Surah to open a person to faith in God.Surah al-Fatihah (Bahasa Arab: سُّورَةُ الفَاتِحَة) - Pembukaan - surah yang diturunkan di Kota Suci Mekah dan diturunkan selepas Surah Al-Muddathir.
Bacaan shalawat nabi – Artikel yang saya buat ini saya ambil dari dan Silahkan anda nanti cek di akhir artikel ini.Mengucapkan shalawat kepada nabi Muhammad SAW merupakan sunnah yang diajarkan oleh beliau dan merupakan perintah langsung dari Alloh. Keutamaan sholawat Nabi sungguh luar biasa. Melalui tulisan ini, kami berusaha menyampaikan beberapa contoh bacaan sholawat Nabi Muhammad SAW yang benar untuk diamalkan sehari-hari. Pengertian Sholawat. Sholawat secara bahasa merupakan bentuk jamak dari sholla yang artinya doa. Secara istilah, sholawat merupakan doa dan pujian untuk Nabi. Bacaan Sholawat Nabi Muhammad SAW – Sholawat adalah suatu bentuk pujian kita sebagai umat Muslim kepada Rasulullah Muhammad SAW dan menjawab sholawat pun menjadi sebuah hal keharusan untuk ucapkan. Mengucapkan Shalawat untuk Nabi sebaiknya dijadikan sebagai amaln sehari-hari.
Surah ini mempunyai 7 ayat dan inilah surah pertama yang diturunkan lengkap keseluruhan ayat bagi sebuah surah dan termasuk dalam golongan surah Makkiyyah. Surah ini dinamakan al-Fatihah (Pembukaan) kerana ia dijadikan sebagai pembuka dan permulaan al-Quran.Surah ini juga dinamakan Ummul Quran (ام القــرآن - Ibu Quran) atau Ummul Kitaab (ام الكتاب - Ibu Kitab) kerana ia merupakan ibu atau induk kepada semua isi al-Quran dan menjadi inti sari dari kandungan al-Quran itu sendiri. Surah ini turut dinamakan As-Sab'ul Matsaani yang bermaksud tujuh yang berulang-ulang kerana ayat ini diulang-ulang bagi setiap solat.Surah Al-Fatihah是“古兰经”的第一章(章节)。 它的六七节(ayah)是对真主(上帝)的指导,主权和怜悯的祈祷。 本章在伊斯兰祈祷(萨拉特)中起着至关重要的作用。 表达“al-Fatiḥah”的主要字面含义是“开启者”。这可以指的是这个章节是“书的开启者”(Fatiḥatal-kitab),它是第一个在每个祷告周期(rak'ah)中完整叙述的章节,或者它作为开头的方式。 日常伊斯兰生活中的许多功能。 有些穆斯林认为它是对古兰经暗示某人信仰上帝的隐含能力的一种提法。.
Shalawat Al-Betawiyyin Peace & Love To The Last Prophet of God Arabic Languange Version.Salawat is a special Arabic phrase, which contains the salutation upon the prophet of Islam. This kind of phrase is usually expressed by Muslims in their five daily prayers (during the Tashahhud) and also when the name of Prophet Muhammad SAW had been mentioned.Salawat is a plural form of salat (Arabic:صلاة) and from the root of the letters 'sad, lam, waw' (Arabic ص.ل. و) which means 'prayer, salutation, greeting and mercy'.God instructs Muslims to send blessing (salawat) on Muhammad as it was revealed in the Quran as thus: 'Allah and His Angels send blessings on the Prophet, O you who believe! Send your blessings on him, and salute him a thorough salutation'.
There is no god but He - the Living, The Self-subsisting, Eternal. No slumber can seize Him Nor Sleep. His are all things In the heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede In His presence except As he permitteth?He knoweth What (appeareth to His creatures As) Before or After or Behind them. Nor shall they compass Aught of his knowledge Except as He willeth.His throne doth extend Over the heavens And on earth, and He feeleth No fatigue in guarding And preserving them, For He is the Most High. The Supreme (in glory).' (Ayat Al-Kursy Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 255 from The Noble Quran).
Lantunan Merdu Ayat Kursi (Verse of The Throne) Dengan 10 Qiraat Yang Berbeda Dalam Bahasa Arab. Ayat Kursi atau Ayat Singgasana adalah ayat ke-255 dari Surah Al-Baqarah. Ayat ini disebutkan dalam sebuah hadits yang diriwayatkan Ubay bin Ka'ab sebagai ayat paling agung dalam Al Qur'an. Isinya tentang keesaan Allah serta kekuasaan Allah yang mutlak atas segala sesuatu dan bahwa Ia tidak kesulitan sedikitpun dalam memeliharanya.Allah, tidak ada Tuhan (yang berhak disembah) melainkan Dia Yang Hidup kekal lagi terus menerus mengurus (makhluk-Nya); tidak mengantuk dan tidak tidur. Kepunyaan-Nya apa yang di langit dan di bumi.
Tiada yang dapat memberi syafa'at di sisi Allah tanpa izin-Nya? Allah mengetahui apa-apa yang di hadapan mereka dan di belakang mereka, dan mereka tidak mengetahui apa-apa dari ilmu Allah melainkan apa yang dikehendaki-Nya.
Kursi Allah meliputi langit dan bumi. Dan Allah tidak merasa berat memelihara keduanya, dan Allah Maha Tinggi lagi Maha Besar. (Ayat KursI Surat Al-Baqarah Ayat 255)Inilah yang disebut ayat kursi.
Ayat ini mengandung suatu hal yang sangat agung. Dan terdapat sebuah hadits shahih dari Rasulullah, yang menyebutkan bahwa ayat tersebut adalah ayat yang paling utama di dalam kitab Allah (al-Qur'an).Imam Ahmad meriwayatkan dari Ubay bin Ka'ab, bahwa Nabi Muhammad SAW pernah bertanya kepadanya: 'Apakah ayat yang paling agung di dalam kitab Allah?' 'Allah dan rasul-Nya lebih mengetahui,' sahut Ubay bin Ka'ab. Maka Nabi mengulang-ulang pertanyaan tersebut, kemudian Ubay bin Ka'ab pun menjawab: 'Ayat Kursi.' Lalu dia mengatakan: 'Engkau akan dilelahkan oleh ilmu, hai Abu Mundzir.
Demi Dzat yang jiwaku berada di tangan-Nya, sesungguhnya ayat kursi itu mempunyai satu lidah dan dua bibir yang senantiasa menyucikan al-Malik (Allah) di sisi tiang 'Arsy.' The Translation of Surah 01 Al-Fatihah The Opener English Edition. It is named Al-Fatihah, The Opener - because it opens the Book and by it the recitation in prayer commences.It is also named Umm al-Qur'an, the Mother of the Qur'an, and Umm al-Kitab, the Mother of the Book, according to the opinion of the majority. This was mentioned by Anas, however Al-Hasan and Ibn Sirin disliked this appellation reasoning that this was the most fitting description for the Preserved Tablet. Al-Hasan also said that the unequivocal verses of the Qur'an comprised the Mother of the Book. However, it is established in Sahih At-Tirmidhi from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) who said:The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said, 'The chapter commencing with 'All praises and thanks are due to Allah the Lord of the Universe' is the Mother of the Qur'an, the Mother of the Book, the Seven Oft Repeated Verses and the Great Qur'an.' Umm al-Qur'an, Umm al-Kitab, Sab'ul-Mathani and Al-Qur'an al-Adhim)At-Tirmidhi declared the hadith to be sahih.
Al-Bukhari said in the beginning of the Book of Tafsirin his Sahih:'It is named Umm al-Qur'an because it is the first chapter written in the Qur'anic texts and the recitation in prayer commences with it.' Sahih Al-Bukhari (Eng. 1)Ibn Jarir at-Tabari said that it was named so because the meaning of the entire Qur'an is summarised therein. The Arabs named anything that concisely summarises something or comprises the most important part of something Umm, or Mother.For similar reasons it is also named Al-Qur'an al-Adhim, the Great Qur'an.It is also named Sab'ul-Mathani, the Seven Oft Repeated Verses, because they are frequently recited and indeed recited in every rak'ah of the prayer.It is also named Al-Hamd, the Praise because it contains mention of hamd just as Al-Baqarah is named so because it contains mention of the cow. Some scholars also gave the reasoning that Al-Hamd constitutes the heart of Al-Fatihah.It is also named As-Salah, the Prayer due to his (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) saying while reporting from his Lord:'I have divided the prayer between Myself and my servant equally. Therefore when the servant says, 'all praises and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of the universe,' Allah says, 'My servant has praised Me.' 'The sources for this hadith shall follow in the section concerning the virtues of Al-Fatihah insha'AllahIt is named the Prayer because its recitation is a condition for the validity of the prayer.It is also named Ash-Shifa', the Cure, due to what Ad-Darimi reports from Abu Sa'id (may Allah be pleased with him) from the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam):'The Opening of the Book is a cure to every poison.
Audiobook Biografi sejarah Kisah kehidupan Nabi Muhammad SAW utusan Allah SWT yang terakhir dan sekaligus penutup para Nabi, dalam bahasa Inggris bersumberkan dari Kitab Suci Al-Quran dan Al-Hadist.The advent of the Prophet Muhammad SAW changed the face of the history of mankind in a manner that this world has never seen before. Since the first man and Prophet Adam AS was sent down to Earth, Allah SWT sent many prophets and messengers to guide mankind to the Truth and to the Straight Path.Soon after the deaths of these prophets, their followers deviated from the teachings and corrupted the religion of Allah. He rejuvenated the Truth as taught by the previous prophets and messengers, and re-established the Law of Allah on Earth through the teachings of the Qur'an and the practice of the Sunnah.At the time of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, two great prophetic religions were practiced in the environs of Arabia - namely Judaism and Christianity. Both of these religions were born from the basic teachings of Islam as taught by Prophet Musa AS and Prophet Isa AS. However, the original teachings were lost, and these religions were born. Audiobook Life of Prophet Muhammad SAW The Last Prophet and Messenger of God In English Languange. Based from The Holy Quran and Al-Hadith.The advent of the Prophet Muhammad SAW changed the face of the history of mankind in a manner that this world has never seen before.
Since the first man and prophet Adam (AS) was sent down to Earth, Allah SWT (God) sent many prophets and messengers to guide mankind to the Truth and to the Straight Path.Soon after the deaths of these prophets, their followers deviated from the teachings and corrupted the religion of Allah. He rejuvenated the Truth as taught by the previous prophets and messengers, and re-established the Law of Allah on Earth through the teachings of The Holy Qur'an and the practice of the Sunnah.At the time of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, two great prophetic religions were practiced in the environs of Arabia - namely Judaism and Christianity. Both of these religions were born from the basic teachings of Islam (Tawhid/Pure Monotheism) as taught by Prophet Musa (Pbuh) and Prophet Isa (Pbuh). However, the original teachings were lost, and these religions were born. Audiobook Hikayat Spiritual Masuk Surga Firdaus Karena Hobi Membuang Duri Yang Manganggu Jalan Kaum Muslimin.Rasulullah SAW bersabda dalam sebuah hadis bahwa iman memiliki lebih dari tujuh puluh cabang.
Cabang yang paling tinggi dari cabang-cabang keimanan adalah perkataan “la ilaha illallah” dan cabang yang paling rendah adalah menyingkirkan gangguan dari jalan.Secara tidak langsung, hadis tersebut juga mengisyaratkan bahwa keimanan seseorang itu bertingkat-tingkat sesuai dengan ilmu dan amal yang ia perbuat. Hanya saja, jangan remehkan suatu amal kebaikan, sekalipun terlihat sedikit dan dianggap remeh oleh manusia. Bisa jadi, Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala akan mengganjar amalan yang dikerjakan secara ikhlas tersebut dengan pahala yang berlipat.Nabi Muhammad SAW telah mengisahkan bahwa ada seorang laki-laki yang masuk surga karena ia menyingkirkan duri yang berada di suatu jalan, yang dilakukan dengan tujuan agar tidak mengganggu kaum muslimin. Sebab itu, Allah SWT menerima amal baiknya tersebut dan mengganjarnya dengan balasan yang lebih baik. Subhanallah sungguh Maha Luas rahmat Allah SWT Sang Pencipta Semesta Alam.

Semoga hal ini dapat menjadi ibrah dan hikmah bagi kita semua. Audiobook Islamic Folklore The Spider of Mount Thawr and Prophet Muhammad English Version Based from The Noble Quran & Al-Hadith.I am a spider who is higher in rank than other spiders.
With all humility, if all the spiders in this world were put in one hand and I was put in the other I would outweigh them in superiority. I am not one to make false claims and show-off, I am simply stating facts.I do not think that I need to introduce myself to the reader, for I am sure you understand that I am the spider of the cave that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) hid in.
I am the one, who was responsible for the Prophet's deliverance. I am the one, who Allah sent to protect him.My web is very flimsy and light and the slightest breeze can blow it away. However, despite the weakness of my web, I managed to ward off the iron swords of the atheists that went out in pursuit of the Prophet, and moreover, I was able to defeat them! The outcome of the conflict between the spiders' weak silk and the iron of the swords was the defeat of iron.My house is considered a parable of weakness, 'Verily, the frailest (weakest) of houses is the spider's house.' I sat in my house protecting the noble house of Islam and guarding the Prophet of Allah, Muhammad ibn ' Abdullah (peace be upon him). Audiobook Kisah Kehidupan Nabi Hud AS (Eber) Versi Bahasa Inggris Berdasarkan Al-Quran Dan Al-Hadist.Nabi Hud AS tinggal di negeri Yaman, di sebuah tempat yang bernama Al Ahqaaf (bukit-bukit berpasir), di sana tinggal kaum ‘Aad pertama yang nasab mereka sampai kepada Nabi Nuh. Mereka tinggal di rumah-rumah yang memiliki tiang-tiang yang besar sebagaimana difirmankan Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala:“(Yaitu) penduduk Iram (ibu kota tempat tinggal kaum ‘Aad) yang mempunyai bangunan-bangunan yang tinggi–Yang belum pernah dibangun (suatu kota) seperti itu, di negeri-negeri lain,” (QS.
Al Fajr: 7-8)Mereka juga membangun istana-istana dan benteng-benteng yang tinggi dan membanggakan diri dengan bangunan-bangunan itu. Hal ini sebagaimana difirmankan Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala:“Apakah kamu mendirikan pada tiap-tiap tanah tinggi bangunan untuk bermain-main (bermewah-mewah) –Dan kamu membuat benteng-benteng dengan maksud agar kamu kekal (di dunia)?” (QS. Asy Syu’ara: 128-129)Mereka juga memiliki peradaban yang tinggi; mereka unggul dalam bidang pertanian karena melimpahnya air yang segar kepada mereka, di samping mereka memiliki harta dan binatang ternak yang banyak. Tempat mereka ketika itu menjadi ladang yang subur dan hijau, penuh dengan kebun-kebun yang indah dan mata air.Prophet Hud (Eber) was a prophet of ancient Arabia mentioned in the Qur’an.
The eleventh chapter of the Quran, Hud, is named after him, though the narrative of Hud comprises only a small portion of the chapter. Hud has sometimes been identified with Eber, an ancestor of the Israelites who is mentioned in the Old Testament.He is said to have been a subject of a mulk (Arabic: مُـلـك, kingdom) named after its founder, ʿĀd, a fourth-generation descendant of Prophet Noah (his father being Uz, the son of Aram, who was the son of Shem and a son of Noah. He other tribes claimed to be present at this time in Arabia, were the Thamud, Jurhum, Tasam, Jadis, Amim, Midian, Amalek Imlaq, Jasim, Qahtan, Banu Yaqtan and others.The Quran gives the location of Ad as being Al-Aḥqaf (Arabic: الأَحـقَـاف, 'The Sandy Plains,' or 'the Wind-curved Sand-hills'). It is believed to have been in the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula, possibly in eastern Yemen and/or western Oman. In the 1980s, a settlement was discovered and thought to be Ubar, which is thought to be mentioned in the Qur'an as Iram dhat al-Imad (Arabic: إِرَم ذَات الـعِـمَـاد, Iram of the Pillars), and may have been the capital of Ad.
An alternative translation of Iram dhat al-Imad is 'Iram of the tentpoles' and it is uncertain whether the name identifies a city or a tribe.The people of Ad were extremely powerful and wealthy and they built countless buildings and monuments to show their power. However, the Ad people's wealth ultimately proved to be their failure, as they became arrogant and forsook God and began to adopt idols for worship, including three idols named Samd, Samud and Hara.
Prophet Hud (Pbuh), even in childhood, remained consistent in prayer to God. It is related through exegesis that Hud's mother, a pious woman who had seen great visions at her son's birth, was the only person who encouraged Hud in his worship. Thus, the Lord raised up Hud as a prophet for the Ad people.When Hud started preaching and invited them to the worship of only the true God and when he told them to repent for their past sins and ask for mercy and forgiveness, the Ad people began to revile him and wickedly began to mock God's message. Hud's story epitomizes the prophetic cycle common to the early prophets mentioned in the Quran: the prophet is sent to his people to tell them to worship God only and tells them to acknowledge that it is God who is the provider of their blessings. Audiobook Kisah Kehidupan Jendral George Bin Todzira Sang Pahlawan Syuhada Dari Kerajaan Romawi Timur.Memang hidayah itu istimewa. Ia mahal dan berharga.
Kedudukan dan status sosial bukanlah ukuran mendapatkannya. Gelimang harta bukanlah sarana bisa mendapatkannya. Terkadang, ia pun datang di saat yang tak disangka. Ia datang di saat yang menyerunya mungkin sudah putus asa.
Ia datang, kadang di saat musibah. Dan ia datang ketika permusuhan sudah mencapai puncaknya.Seperti kisah George Todzira. Hidayah datang padanya justru saat ia tengah siap berperang.George bin Todzira adalah panglima pasukan Bizantium. Di Perang Yarmuk, ia memimpin pasukan Roma, berperang menghadapi umat Islam yang dipimpin oleh Khalid bin al-Walid radhiallahu ‘anhu.
Sebelum pecah pertempuran, terjadi kejadian yang menarik. George berdialog dengan Khalid hingga ia memeluk Islam dan berpindah posisi menjadi pasukan kaum muslimin.Dalam kondisi demikian, bayangkan apa yang dirasakan pasukan Romawi Bizantium saat itu? Tentu moral pertempuran mereka kaget dan mengendur. Dan pastinya, George adalah orang pertama yang hendak mereka bunuh.Ketika pasukan tengah bertemu, George memanggil Pedang Allah, Khalid bin al-Walid. Khalid pun keluar dari pasukan, dan Abu Ubaidah menggantikan posisinya. Di tengah ribuan pasukan, kedua panglima perang itu berdiri berhadap-hadapan. Hingga leher tunggangan mereka bertautan.George berkata, “Wahai Khalid, jawablah pertanyaanku dengan jujur.
Jangan berbohong, karena orang yang merdeka tidak pantas berbohong. Jangan pula kau tipu aku, karena orang yang mulia tidak akan menipu”. George melanjutkan, “Apakah Allah menurunkan pedang dari langit kepada Nabi kalian, lalu ia memberikannya kepadamu? Kemudian tidaklah pedang itu berjumpa dengan suatu kaum, kecuali ia berhasil mengalahkannya?“Tidak”, jawab Khalid singkat.“Lalu mengapa engkau disebut dengan saifullah (Pedang Allah)?” Tanya George yang benar-benar menginginkan jawaban.Khalid menjawab, “Sesungguhnya Allah ﷻ mengutus Nabi-Nya ke tengah-tengah kami. Ia mendakwahi kami, namun kami semua lari tak mengacuhkannya. Lalu sebagian kami ada yang membenarkan dakwahnya dan mengikutinya.
Sementara yang lain menjauhi dan mendustakannya. Aku termasuk orang yang menjauhi, mendustakan, dan memeranginya. Setelah itu, Allah memberi hidayah kepada kami.Kami pun mengikuti ajarannya. Ia berkata kepadaku, ‘Engkau adalah pedang di antara pedang-pedang Allah yang ia hunuskan kepada orang-orang musyrik. Ia mendoakanku dengan kemenangan. Lalu melaqobiku dengan saifullah. Dari situlah, aku menjadi orang yang paling keras permusuhannya terhadap orang-orang musyrik”.“Engkau telah jujur kepadaku”, sambut George menanggapi penjelasan Khalid.Lalu ia kembali bertanya kepada Khalid, “Wahai Khalid, beri tahu aku, apa engkau serukan padaku?”“Kepada persaksian bahwasanya tidak ada Tuhan yang berhak disembah kecuali Allah dan Muhammad adalah hamba dan Rasul-Nya.
Dan meyakini bahwa apa yang ada padanya (wahyu) adalah dari sisi Allah” Khalid menerangkan risalah Islam kepada George. Islamic Folklore The Servant of God & The Beautiful Houris from Jannah ParadiseThe following story is narrated by Islamic scholar.
Abdul-Waaḥeed ibnu Zaid. 'In the past We were on a sea vessel once, when the wind suddenly became stormy, and we were forced to leave the high seas and seek refuge on an island. We were surprised to see that we were not alone on the island; there standing before us was a man who was busy worshipping. We said to him 'What are you worshipping?' And he pointed to an idol.We said, 'We don't have a person on our ship that does as you are doing'The man asked, 'Then who is it that you worship?'
We said, 'We worship Allah.' He asked, 'And who is Allah?' .We said, 'He Whose Throne is in the Heavens and Whose dominion is in the heavens, the earth, and all that exists.'
'And how did you come to know that?' Asked the man.' He sent a messenger to us with clear proofs and miracles, and it was that messenger who informed us about Him.'

'And what has happened to your messenger?' 'When he finished conveying the message, Allah caused him to die,' we answered.' Has he left you no sign?' The man asked.We said, 'He has left among us Allah's Book,'.Show it to me,' requested the man.When we showed him a copy of the Holy Qur'an, he said, 'I cannot read it,' and so we read a part of it for him.He then cried and said, 'The One Whose speech this is must not be disobeyed.' Not only did the man then accept Islam, he also diligently learned its teachings and then put what he learned into practice.When the weather calmed down and we were ready to leave the island, he asked us if he could be a passenger on our ship. We of course agreed to have him join us, and it was a good thing that he came with us, for it gave us the opportunity to teach him a number of chapters of the Qur'an. At the end of the first evening of travel, all of us crewmen got ready to go to sleep.
Our new passenger said, 'O people, the Lord that you guided me to, does He sleep?' He is the Ever Living, the One who sustains and protects all that exists. Neither slumber nor sleep overtake Him.' From The Holy Quran Surah Al-Baqarah Chapter 2 Verse 255He looked at us and said, 'It is indeed bad manners for a slave to sleep in the presence of his master.'
With a great deal of energy and vigor, he then jumped up and began to pray; and his crying voice could be heard until the morning.When we reached a place called '‘Abaadaan a place situated in present-day Iran, I said to my companions, 'This man is a stranger here, moreover, he is a new Muslim. We would do well to gather some money for him in order to help him out.' We gathered what we could, but when we tried to give him the money, he exclaimed, 'What is this!' We said, 'Money that you can spend on yourself.' He said, 'Subhan Allah. (How perfect Allah is)!
You have guided me to a way that you do not know yourselves. When I was living on a barren desert in the middle of the ocean, I worshipped other than Him, yet He did not allow me to go without; then how is it possible that He will make me be needy, when it is Him alone that I now worship?
Indeed He is the Creator and the Provider.' He then left us and went on his way. Imam Al Ghazzali woke up one early morning and as usual offered his prayers. Islamic Sufi Poetry With My BelovedWith my Beloved I alone have been,When secrets tenderer than evening airs.Passed, and the Vision blestWas granted to my prayers,That crowned me, else obscure, with endless fame;The while amazed betweenHis Beauty and His MajestyI stood in silent ecstasy.Revealing that which o'er my spirit went and came.Lo, in His face commingledIs every charm and grace;The whole of Beauty singledInto a perfect faceBeholding Him would cry,'There is no God but He, and He is the most High. Asmaul Husna 99 Nama Allah SWT Tuhan Semesta Alam Yang Maha Indah Podcast Edition. Dalam agama Islam, Asma'ul husna (Arab: أسماء الله الحسنى, asmāʾ allāh al-ḥusnā) adalah nama-nama Allah yang indah dan baik.
Asma berarti nama (penyebutan) dan husna berarti yang baik atau yang indah, jadi asma'ul husna adalah nama nama milik Allah yang baik lagi indah. Sejak dulu para ulama telah banyak membahas dan menafsirkan nama-nama ini, karena nama-nama Allah adalah alamat kepada Dzat yang mesti kita ibadahi dengan sebenarnya. Meskipun timbul perbedaan pendapat tentang arti, makna, dan penafsirannya akan tetapi yang jelas adalah kita tidak boleh musyrik dalam mempergunakan atau menyebut nama-nama Allah ta'ala.Selain perbedaaan dalam mengartikan dan menafsirkan suatu nama terdapat pula perbedaan jumlah nama, ada yang menyebut 99, 100, 200, bahkan 1.000 bahkan 4.000 nama, namun menurut mereka, yang terpenting adalah hakikat Dzat Allah SWT yang harus dipahami dan dimengerti oleh orang-orang yang beriman seperti Nabi Muhammad SAW. Asma'ul husna secara harfiah adalah nama-nama, sebutan, gelar Allah yang baik dan agung sesuai dengan sifat-sifat-Nya.
Nama-nama Allah yang agung dan mulia itu merupakan suatu kesatuan yang menyatu dalam kebesaran dan kehebatan milik Allah.Para ulama berpendapat bahwa kebenaran adalah konsistensi dengan kebenaran yang lain. Dengan cara ini, umat Muslim tidak akan mudah menulis 'Allah adalah.' , karena tidak ada satu hal pun yang dapat disetarakan dengan Allah, akan tetapi harus dapat mengerti dengan hati dan keterangan Al-Qur'an tentang Allah ta'ala.

Pembahasan berikut hanyalah pendekatan yang disesuaikan dengan konsep akal kita yang sangat terbatas ini. Semua kata yang ditujukan pada Allah harus dipahamikeberbedaannya dengan penggunaan wajar kata-kata itu.
Allah itu tidak dapat dimisalkan atau dimiripkan dengan segala sesuatu, seperti tercantum dalam surat Al-Ikhlas.' Katakanlah: 'Dia-lah Allah, Yang Maha Esa. Allah adalah Tuhan yang bergantung kepada-Nya segala sesuatu. Dia tiada beranak dan tiada pula diperanakkan, dan tidak ada seorang pun yang setara dengan Dia'. (Al-Ikhlas 112:1-4) ”Para ulama menekankan bahwa Allah adalah sebuah nama kepada Dzat yang pasti ada namanya. Semua nilai kebenaran mutlak hanya ada (dan bergantung) pada-Nya.
Dengan demikian, Allah Yang Memiliki Maha Tinggi. Tapi juga Allah Yang Memiliki Maha Dekat.
Allah Memiliki Maha Kuasa dan juga Allah Maha Pengasih dan Maha Penyayang. Sifat-sifat Allah dijelaskan dengan istilah Asmaaul Husna, yaitu nama-nama, sebutan atau gelar yang baik.
Terjemahan Dan Makna Surat 01 Al-Fatihah (Pembukaan) The Opening Edisi Bilingual Bahasa Indonesia Dan Bahasa Inggris Podcast Edition.Surah Al-Fatihah, ('Pembukaan') adalah surah pertama dalam al-Qur'an. Surah ini diturunkan di Mekah dan terdiri dari 7 ayat. Al-Fatihah merupakan surah yang pertama-tama diturunkan dengan lengkap di antara surah-surah yang ada dalam Al-Qur'an.Surah ini disebut Al-Fatihah (Pembukaan), karena dengan surah inilah dibuka dan dimulainya Al-Quran.Dinamakan Ummul Qur'an (induk al-Quran) atau Ummul Kitab (induk Al-Kitab) karena dia merupakan induk dari semua isi Al-Quran. Dinamakan pula As Sab'ul matsaany (اyang berulang-ulang) karena jumlah ayatnya yang tujuh dan dibaca berulang-ulang dalam salat.Surah al-Fatiḥah is the first chapter (surah) of the Quran.
Its seven verses (ayat) are a prayer for the guidance, lordship and mercy of God. This chapter has an essential role in Islamic prayer (salat).
The primary literal meaning of the expression 'al-Fatihah' is 'The Opener,' which could refer to this Surah being 'the opener of the Book' (Fatihat al-kitab), to its being the first Surah recited in full in every prayer cycle (rakʿah), or to the manner in which it serves as an opening for many functions in everyday Islamic life.Some Muslims interpret it as a reference to an implied ability of the Surah to open a person to faith in God. The name al-Fatiḥah ('the Opener') is due to the subject-matter of the surah. Fatiḥah is that which opens a subject or a book or any other thing. In other words, a sort of preface.
An emperor in the Far East Kingdom was growing old. And knew it was time to choose his successor. Instead of choosing one of his assistants or his children, he decided something different.
He called young people in the kingdom together one day. He said, 'It is time for me to step down and choose the next emperor.
I have decided to choose one of you.' The kids were shocked! But the emperor continued. 'I am going to give each one of you a seed today. One very special seed.
I want you to plant the seed, water it and come back here one year from today with what you have grown from this one seed. I will then judge the plants that you bring, and the one I choose will be the next emperor!' The people of 'Ad lived many years in the windswept hills of an area between Yemen and Oman.
They were physically well built and renowned for their craftsmanship especially in the construction of tall buildings with lofty towers. They were outstanding among all the nations in power and wealth, which, unfortunately, made them arrogant and boastful.Their political power was held in the hand of unjust rulers, against whom no one dared to raise a voice. They were not ignorant of the existence of Allah (God), nor did they refuse to worship Him. What they did refuse was to worship Allah alone.
They worshipped other gods, also, including idols.This is one sin Allah does not forgive. Allah wanted to guide and discipline these people so He sent a prophet from among them. This prophet was Prophet Hud (Eber), a noble man who handled this task with great resoluteness and tolerance.
In the past in ancient Baghdad. Live Junaid Baghdadi. He earned his livelihood as a professional wrestler.
As was the norm, the Leader of Baghdad announced one day, 'Today, Junaid Baghdadi will demonstrate his skills as a wrestler, is there anyone to challenge him.' An elderly man shakily stood up with his neck quivering and said, 'I will enter the contest with him.'
Whoever was witness to this scene could not contain themselves, they burst out howling with laughter, clapping their hands. The King was bound by the law. He could not stop someone who of his own free will entered the bout. The elderly man was given the permission to enter the ring. He was about sixty-five years old. When Junaid Baghdadi entered the ring, he was dumbfounded as was the King and all the spectators of the Kingdom who were present. The single thought that occupied their minds was, 'How will this old man be able to fight?'
.The old man addressed Junaid with these words, 'Lend me your ears.' He then whispered, 'I know it is not possible for me to win this bout against you, but I am a Sayyid, a descendant of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). My children are starving at home. Are you prepared to sacrifice your name, your honour and position for the love of Allah's Prophet and lose this bout to me?
If you do this I will be able to collect the prize money and thereby have the means to feed my children and myself for an entire year. I will be able to settle all my debts and above all, the master of both the worlds will be pleased with you.
Are you, Oh Junaid, not willing to sacrifice your honour for the sake of the children of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) the last prophet and messenger of God?' .Junaid Baghdadi thought to himself, 'Today, I have an excellent opportunity.' There lived a good pious man all by himself, who spent most of his time in praying, fasting and praising Allah SWT The Creator of Earth and Heaven.Almost all his waking hours were utilised in meditation and devotions. He was very happy with his spiritual progress. No wicked thoughts came to his mind and no evil temptations entered his heart. One night, he dreamt a rather disturbing dream.He saw that a shopkeeper in the town was far superior to him in spirituality and that he must go to him to learn the basics of true spiritual life. He had been at school all day and was tired, so tired.
Shalawat Ummi
He awoke abruptly to the sound of noise and shouting. He was sweating profusely. He looked around.
It was very crowded.Every direction he looked in was filled with people. Some stood frozen looking around, some were running left and right and some were on their knees with their heads in their hands just waiting. Pure fear and apprehension filled him as he realized where he was.His heart was about to burst.
It was the Day of Judgment. When he was alive, he had heard many things about the questioning on the Day of Judgment, but that seemed so long ago. Could this be something his mind made up? No, the wait and the fear were so great that he could not have imagined this. Angel Jibrail (AS) told Prophet Muhammad SAW the following incident about a man in the past who worshipped Allah Ta'ala continuously for 500 years. He was granted a shelter on top of a mountain that was surrounded by salty water.However, Allah caused a stream of sweet water to flow through the mountain for that individual.
The man would drink from this water and use it to make ablution. Allah Ta'ala also raised a pomegranate tree from which the man would eat one fruit every day.One day, this person supplicated to Allah SWT (God) that, 'Oh Allah, bring my death while I am in the state of prostration.'
Sholawat Nabi Yang Sebenarnya
Allah accepted this dua of his.