Pedir Datos Al Usuario Por Funciones Javascrip

Pedir Datos Al Usuario Por Funciones Javascrip Rating: 3,4/5 339 reviews

This post is with regards to handling forms that have more than one submit button.Suppose we have an HTML form with a submit button specified like this:Normally the 'value' attribute of the HTML 'input' tag (in this case 'Delete') that creates the submit button can be accessed in PHP after post like this:We of course use the 'name' of the button as an index into the $POST array.This works fine, except when we want to pass more information with the click of this particular button.Imagine a scenario where you're dealing with user management in some administrative interface. You are presented with a list of user names queried from a database and wish to add a 'Delete' and 'Modify' button next to each of the names in the list. Naturally the 'value' of our buttons in the HTML form that we want to display will be 'Delete' and 'Modify' since that's what we want to appear on the buttons' faceplates.Both buttons (Modify and Delete) will be named 'actionbutton' since that's what we want to index the $POST array with. In other words, the 'name' of the buttons along cannot carry any uniquely identifying information if we want to process them systematically after submit. Since these buttons will exist for every user in the list, we need some further way to distinguish them, so that we know for which user one of the buttons has been pressed.Using arrays is the way to go.


Mi consulta se debe a que quiero pedir al usuario que ingrese por teclado los datos del alumno, y luego usar los parametros ingresados para mandarlas al constructor Alumno. Cual es la forma de hacer. Podemos impedir con Javascript que los caracteres que el usuario teclea en un campo de texto de un formulario aparezcan. Formularios para enviar datos por e-mail. El problema se presenta porque creo la grilla desde una consulta dinamica de php-mysql y al poner las funciones de javascript lo hace si y solo si existe un solo registro.

When dealing with multiple select boxes and the name=somename so that PHP will understand that is needs to interpet the input as an array an not as a single value. If you want to access this in Javascript you should assign an id attribute to the select box as well as the name attribute. Then proceed to use the id attribute in Javascript to reference the select box and the name attribute to reference the select box in PHP.Example.document.forms0.selectid.options0.selected = true;I hope you get the idea.


For what I understand, since PHP 4.3 it is possible to access the content of a POST request (or other methods as well) as an input stream named php://input, example:readfile('php://input');to display itor$fp = fopen('php://input', 'r');to open it and then do whatever you wantThis is very useful to access the content of POST requests which actually have a content (and not just variable-value couples, which appear in $POST).This substitutes the old $HTTPRAWPOSTDATA variable available in some of the previous 4.x versions. It is available for other upload methods different from POST too, but it is not available for POSTs with multipart/form-data content type, since the file upload handler has already taken care of the content in that case. For anyone else having trouble figuring out how to access values in a SELECT element from a POST or GET form, you can't set the 'id' attribute to the same thing as your 'name' attribute. Don't do this: Ham Cheese Ham and Cheese?If you do the above, the variable $POST'selectElem' will not be set.

Instead, either change the id or name attribute so that they are dissimilar. Do this: Ham Cheese Ham and Cheese?Then you can access the value(s) of the SELECT element through the array $POST'selectElem' or $GET'selectElem'. It took me quite some time to figure out the problem. When you are using checkboxes to submit multiple choices, there is no need to use the complex method further down the page where you assign a unique name to each checkbox.Instead, just name each checkbox as the same array, e.g.:This way your $POST'items' variable will return as an array containing all and only the checkboxes that were clicked on. If you use an array of checkboxes to submit info to a database or what have you, be careful of the case when no boxes are checked. For example.

Pedir Datos Al Usuario Por Funciones Javascrip Google

This bothered me when trying to implode the values of my checkboxes to insert into a database, i got a warning saying the 2nd argument was the wrong type.hope this helps!-kevin. When dealing with form inputs namedlikethis5 and javascript, instead of trying to get PHP to do something fancy as mentioned below, just try this on the javascript side of things:myfancyinputname = 'arrayofthings1';/. now just refer to it like this in the dom treedocumentmyFormmyfancyinputname.valueetc./

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