Star Wars Separatist Frigate

Star Wars Separatist Frigate Rating: 5,0/5 6767 reviews

The Munificent-class star frigate's cross-section. The Munificent-class star frigate is used as a Frigate, Communications Ship, Destroyer, Command Ship, and a Cruiser.This made the Munificent-class have different roles during the Clone Wars and The Last of the Droids eras. History Edit Mustafar Edit. 24 Separatist Frigates were first seen on Mustafar with no energy.

  1. Lego Star Wars Separatist Frigate

It has been stated on a few sources that it takes between 3 and 5 Dreadnaughts to out gun an ISD. While it takes 6 or 7 Munificents to out gun a Venator. Considering the Venator is a smaller, less armed vessel and yet it takes more Munificents to beat that then it takes for the Dreadnaught to beat the larger ISD that seems to point to an obvious winner.This also seems supported by the weaponry. A Dreadnaught being armed with 10 Turbolaser Batteries, 10 Turbolaser Cannons, 20 Quad Turbolaser Cannons and a Concussion Missile Launcher with 17 capital weapons firing forward. Meanwhile the Munificents has 2 Heavy Turbolasers and 2 Heavy Ion Cannons as it's only dedicated capital grade weapons with 26 twin Turbolasers for some support. It's just outgunned in capital grade weaponry.However, that weapon set for the Dreadnaught is the Imperial Refit seen long after the end of the Clone Wars.

  • The Munificent-class star frigate, also known as the Separatist frigate, was a warship used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars.
  • Next up in my Star Wars-series is a CIS Munificent-class Star Frigate. It is the workhorse of the separatist fleet, and although not very strong on it's own, it is very capable when in greater numbers. These are some of the object editor values i recommend: Art - Death Time: 5 seconds Art - Maximum Pitch/roll: 0 Art - Orientation Interpolation: 10.

During the Clone Wars they had a much weaker weapon set of only 10 Turbolasers and an undetermined number of Ion Cannons. So at the time of the Munificents introduction it was a far superior vessel to the Dreadnaught. Only changed to do a heavy refit oif the original weaponry for the Dreadnaught.Plus while the retrofitted Dreadnaught has superior capital grade weaponry, it has almost no anti fighter weapons. It was slower, had a much smaller compliment and required far more crew.So really they Dreadnaught is only better in capital ship weaponry and only if debate using the upgraded version. Meaning it can win a one on one battle with a Munificent when upgraded but is otherwise inferior.

It has been stated on a few sources that it takes between 3 and 5 Dreadnaughts to out gun an ISD. While it takes 6 or 7 Munificents to out gun a Venator. Power to choose. Considering the Venator is a smaller, less armed vessel and yet it takes more Munificents to beat that then it takes for the Dreadnaught to beat the larger ISD that seems to point to an obvious winner.This also seems supported by the weaponry. A Dreadnaught being armed with 10 Turbolaser Batteries, 10 Turbolaser Cannons, 20 Quad Turbolaser Cannons and a Concussion Missile Launcher with 17 capital weapons firing forward.

Meanwhile the Munificents has 2 Heavy Turbolasers and 2 Heavy Ion Cannons as it's only dedicated capital grade weapons with 26 twin Turbolasers for some support. It's just outgunned in capital grade weaponry.However, that weapon set for the Dreadnaught is the Imperial Refit seen long after the end of the Clone Wars. During the Clone Wars they had a much weaker weapon set of only 10 Turbolasers and an undetermined number of Ion Cannons. So at the time of the Munificents introduction it was a far superior vessel to the Dreadnaught.

Only changed to do a heavy refit oif the original weaponry for the Dreadnaught.Plus while the retrofitted Dreadnaught has superior capital grade weaponry, it has almost no anti fighter weapons. It was slower, had a much smaller compliment and required far more crew.So really they Dreadnaught is only better in capital ship weaponry and only if debate using the upgraded version.

Meaning it can win a one on one battle with a Munificent when upgraded but is otherwise inferior. Click to expand.The whole 3-5 thing is in reference to the Imperial Refit, not the original Republic version.

The Refit has about 5 times as many Turbolasers as the Republic Refit. Meaning it would take between 15 and 25 Dreadnaught to out gun an Imperial.According to Imperial Order of Battle two Victory classes are equivalent to 1 ISD.

Lego Star Wars Separatist Frigate

And the Venator is often compared to the Victory on terms of firepower and durability. So it would take about 11-14 Munificents to our fun an ISD. Which is less then is needed for the Republic Refit Dreadnaught. Click to expand.They're fairly sizable guns, proportionately as large for her size as the ImpStar's and did a reasonable job of punching holes in Invisible Hand. I think its a doctrinal difference, the Republic and then the Empire doubled down on multi-mission hulls that could tackle any conceivable situation without having to call for backup while the Confederacy relied more heavily on purpose built ships.

We never even see the Banking Clan or Techno Union ships that were grounded on Geonosis ever again which implies they were mission specialists whose specialty wasn't taking fire from Star Destroyer guns and thus have no reason to be at Coruscant. They're fairly sizable guns, proportionately as large for her size as the ImpStar's and did a reasonable job of punching holes in Invisible Hand. I think its a doctrinal difference, the Republic and then the Empire doubled down on multi-mission hulls that could tackle any conceivable situation without having to call for backup while the Confederacy relied more heavily on purpose built ships. We never even see the Banking Clan or Techno Union ships that were grounded on Geonosis ever again which implies they were mission specialists whose specialty wasn't taking fire from Star Destroyer guns and thus have no reason to be at Coruscant.

Contents History ChristophsisMunificent-class star frigates participated in the under the command of. When the was destroyed, the other Munificent-class warships and were sent into disarray and eventually retreated.Later in the battle, several frigates returned and forced the, led by Admiral, out of orbit. Yularen later returned with a larger fleet and broke the blockade again, leading to the retreat of the remaining Separatist cruisers.Ambushing YodaWhile on a diplomatic mission, was sent to discuss a treaty with.

Star Wars Separatist Frigate

While his neared the planet, it was suddenly ambushed when two Munificents dropped out of hyperspace and attacked. Though the frigates chased Yoda's warship out of the system, Yoda himself managed to reach the planet's surface in an escape pod.Other battlesThe ships continued to be used throughout the entire Clone Wars. They were used at the planet while the, who had been hired by, tried to steal a from. They appeared at major battles like,. This article is a about a ship or starship. You can help Wookieepedia by.Appearances. – '.

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