Resident Evil 5 Pc Costumes
Help with Chainsaw majiniBefore reaching the part where Chris must Assist Jump with Sheva. Go down to the second floor, looking past where the balcony is (to your left is a hand grenade) look at the 'animal hospital' sign on the other building. Throw a grenade at it, (a well placed grenade will blow the lock) the lock on the door downstairs is now broken, therefore Sheva and Chris don't have to split up.Tip: to help defeat the chainsaw guy, there is a power pole just before the long set of stairs. On this pole is a transformer, shoot it down and it can be used to zap that Chainsaw dude. Killing The Chainsaw Maniac-Easy MethodRequires a shotgun(with a minimum firepower of 200). And few hand grenades will help also.When you face any chainsaw guy in the game, it is important to get headshots. The shotgun works best because once you shoot him in the head, it should cause him to stumble.
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(may require more than one shot depending on your shotgun's damage level)Once he stumbles and stands still for a sec, you will have the chance to perform an reaction command on him, by pressing X if you're close enough.Once the command is done immediately toss a grenade at his feet. The grenade should explode as soon as the chainsaw guy recovers from you previous attack.
Resident Evil 5 PC Game Free Download – Merupakan seri permainan yang sudah diangkat ke layar lebar dan tidak dapat dipungkiri lagi menawarkan alur cerita yang mendebarkan. Seri kelima ini berjarak sekitar lima tahun setelah Resident Evil 4.Tokoh utama permainan adalah Chris Redfield yang merupakan mantan anggota tim khusus yang sekarang menangani kasus bioterorisme. You get Safari S.T.A.R.S Clubbing Tribal all from the Bonus Store in RE5 but for Resident Evil 5 Alt Costumes Warrior and Fairy Tale u need 2 go 2 ur PSN Store and buy the Character Pack for the Expansion Lost In Nightmares then u will get Chris Warrior Sheva Fairy Tale for Mercenaries Reunion and also 2 wear it in Story no matter what u do u wont be able 2 get it another way unless u wait for.

Giving you a chance to perform another reaction command.Repeat these steps and he should die in no time. BSAA Emblem LocationsBSAA EMBLEMS by.Chapter 1-1: Civilian Checkpoint skrillaNONE.
Credit to supercheats.comChapter 1-2: Public AssemblyEMBLEM #01:Go inside the building with the stairs that has a balcony. Check the western room that also contains a First Aid Spray. Head up the balcony and check the building across the street to the south to spot the Emblem.EMBLEM #02:When you've entered the building with the black goo, right before you jump over the gap to a chest with Gold Bars, look up and find the Emblem right under a water tank.EMBLEM #03:Before you end the chapter by using the elevator, check behind the fence to your right and spot the Emblem next to a ventilator in the background.Chapter 2-1: Storage FacilityEMBLEM #04:Check the southern wall of the storage hall you start in. The Emblem is attached to this wall, somewhere up there.EMBLEM #05:When you've crossed the bridge and are about to enter the sewers, turn around and closely inspect the large bridge's support.
The Emblem is located here.EMBLEM #06:At the docks area, locate the small green hut near the closed door at the jetty, and look at the back of this hut. Spot the Emblem in a gap under the roof.EMBLEM #07:When Kirk has arrived to provide backup at the docks area, climb the building to the right (northwest) and get over to the spot with the Green Herb.
Spot the Emblem through a window in the building across the street.EMBLEM #08:In Shanty Town, right before you perform the Assist Jump with Sheva, turn around and spot the Emblem on the roof ledge up, a little to the right.Chapter 2-2: Train StationEMBLEM #09:Climb the trains and inspect the pylon in the distance to the west. Spot the Emblem on top of it.EMBLEM #10:In the mines you'll have to make your way over a bridge with a waterfall. The Emblem is to your right high up in the waterfall.EMBLEM #11:In the mining area you'll have to climb a very long ladder at some point. Instead of moving on, turn around and equip your rifle. Turn around and inspect the factory building in the distance.Chapter 2-3: SavannahNONE.Chapter 3-1: MarshlandsEMBLEM #12:You'll start on an island. From here, check out the wired pole in the distance to the northwest.
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The Emblem is attached to it. How To Defeat U-8 Mosquito/Spider QueenAfter you kick the dour down and get swarmed by lickers, you take a elevator to a platform ware you get attacked by U-8. You need 3 grenades and some ammo. Attack the middle of her legs after she falls walk up to her and throw a grenade in her mouth with the action button.
Get back on the opposite side of where she is kill the weird mosquitoes she lays. Do this two more times and she will die. If she doesn't fall to her grave just start attacking her brain until she dies. Giant Crab TipsWhen you are fighting the giant crab in chapter 5 then you probably know you have to shoot at the red tips on each leg, but when the monster comes crashing down and opens its mouth, shooting at it does absolutely nothing. What you are meant to do is get hand grenades (if you have none then look around the circle computer and you will find 2 herbs (green) and a hand grenade, DO NOT throw it at the beast. It also does nothing, go near the mouth when it is open after you have shot at the legs then it will say 'press 'X' to throw' obviously you should press 'X' then Chris will throw the grenade in its mouth and the top shell will fall off.
You must do this twice. If you have no grenades, bad luck you have to wait for the mosquito-like things (i call them Skeeters) and shoot them and they will drop a grenade sooner or later, then after you have done that twice, RUN! He will swipe without warning and it will be a one hit kill, no 'dodge' chances at all, just run. When you have done all that, the easy part is getting your handgun (by the way the mosquitoes drop X20 bullets at a time, a good idea to pick em all up.) and shooting it once in the brain, it will be dead after that.
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Most Valuable GemsHere is a short list of the most valuable treasures that you might not find during the regular course of the game.Heart of Africa - 10,000 - Ch 5-3 - During the fight with Wesker, you must inflict sufficient damage to make him end the fight early. Once that is done, you can find the gem between the stairs on the first floor in the main room during the fight with Jill.Soul Gem - 10,000 - Ch 4-1 - When you have to run away from the large monster called the Popokarimu, (the bat-like monster) instead of running, stand your ground and fight. Don't go near the stairs or you can not get the treasure.
The gem will drop with the monsters corpse.Diamond (Marquise) - 5,000 - Ch 6-3 - During the final fight with Wesker, shoot down the pillar of rocks next to the bridge that collapses at the start of the battle, use the fallen rocks as a stepping stone to another path next to the central island. The diamond is there. Try to knock the rock pillar down first so that you can get there quick and jump back before Wesker tries to attack you.Ruby (Brillant) - 2,500 - Ch 5-3 - Right before you reach the room where you fight Wesker and Jill in the roof of the tunnel.Topaz (Marquise) - 3,000 - Ch 1-1 - Fight the large waves of minions that block your path and you can collect this treasure. Better not to try on your first play through for this one.If you're having trouble locating all the gems, keep in mind there are seven types of gems (Pear, square, oval, trillant, brillant, marquise, and unique hearts) and each type has five colors (Yellow, blue, green, white, and red.). Quick moneyChapter 3-1 Marshlands.Pretty sure this will only work after beating the game at least One time.You can get quick money by starting the marshlands mission and collecting all the treasure around the map that don't have enemies, such as (RPG, Rubys, Beetles, eggs and chalices.) after collecting as much as you want go to the west side of the map were the indicator is flashing. You should then reach a check point in which you can quit. You can then sell these items to make around 10k to 15k depending on how much time you spend collecting.
Then just start the Marshlands chapter 3-1 over again and repeat as many times as you would like. I was able to max out most of my weapons in a few hours instead of long hours of fighting and wasting ammo.
This is also a great way to stock up on ammo. How To Kill Final BossIn order to defeat the final Uroboros Wesker you must lure him onto the higher platform, just stand there and he won't knock you off the volcano. He starts using all these moves and you must shoot him in the back where his weak spot is (the red glowing thing).
Then immediately get away cause he does this tornado move that will kill you or your partner. After hes done his front weak spot is revealed, I used grenade launcher explosive rounds to weaken him. Repeat that until he is dead.
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Finish him with rocket launcher; it takes three hits. Instructions For Fighting Final WeskerNumber one: don't waste ammo. You will need it, but if you can stay alive 'till the moment when he yells Chriiis! With three i's then this should be easy. When he raises his arm he will stay that way for about 5 seconds when he does there's an orange circle in its back don't shoot use you machete (depending on who you are playing as).
Slice it then he will be dazed for 3 seconds you can't do anything when he is dazed except waste ammo and don't do that. After that he will form a tornado of tentacles stay out of range then an orange circle will open in his chest (not his back) then shoot the one in the front so you don't waste ammo shooting the one in the front. Do this until it goes to a cutscene where it shows Wesker laughing. Fter you hurt him enough when you go to his back there should be a 'press X' symbol. Of course, you press it then it will go into a cutscene where you need to rapidly press a button the Sheva will cut his chest up like really bad.
Then of course there's another cutscene where you get picked up by a helicopter. But of course this cool dude doesn't want to die, so he grabs the chopper with a tentacle you get a rocket launcher and are told to press LT and RT (left trigger and right trigger), then you have beaten the game. Money and Ammo DuplicationAlright you'll need another player to do this in order for it to work. 2-2 level is easier.Follow these steps. Any ammo, or healing materials your partner requires, let him/her hand them over. When you do this exit the game then 1st player saves their options, while 2nd player doesn't. So when you return to the loaded level, wherever your partner has their stuff, while 1st player has the items from before.
With this cheat/glitch you can sell duplicated items or keep them for upcoming levels.Resident Evil 5 Unlockables. Unlock Mercenaries Stages And CharactersIn mercenaries mode get a B grade to unlock the next Mercenaries stage and get an A grade an each level to unlock other characters.A grade on Public Assembly: Jill Valentine (BSAA)A grade on The Mines: Wesker (Midnight)A grade on Village: Chris (Safari)A grade on Ancient ruins: Sheva (Clubbin')A grade on Experimental Facility: Chris (STARS)A grade on Missle Area: Sheva (tribal)A grade on Ship Deck: Jill (Battle suit)A grade on Prison: Wesker (STARS).
Versus DLC AchievementsArmy of One (15) - Win 30 matches in Slayers.Bringing the Pain (30) - Defeat 100 players using physical attacks in Versus.Eye of the Tiger (15) - Win 30 matches in Survivors.It Takes Two to Tango (15) - Chain a 40-defeated combo in Team Slayers.It's All About the Points (15) - Score at least 40,000 points in Survivors.Keep the Good Times Rolling (15) - Chain a 20-defeated combo in Slayers.Let's Get This Party Started! (20) - Unlock all selectable characters in Versus.The Team That Slays Together.
(30) - Win 30 matches in Team Slayers.There's no 'I' in Team (15) - Score at least 80,000 points in Team Survivors.We Will Survive (30) - Win 30 matches in Team Survivors. DuplicationAlright, this will require two controllers and a secondary gamertag. Once you have chosen what chapter you want to begin on, have only the items you wish to duplicate.
(guns/treasure cannot be duped) Once you have them in Chris's Useable inventory start the game. Then sign in with the second account and press start in-game to allow the second player to enter. You will begin the mission over again. Give the items you want to duplicate to Sheva (must be in-game) then quit and save both profiles. Once your back in the mission press start and Sheva should have the items in her inventory. Use your second controller to give Chris the items. Once done press start then quit.
Save only Chris's Inventory. When asking for second players save tap no. Just repeat this process as many times as you like.Gaming deals, prizes and latest news.