Make Your Own Mandalorian Armor

Make Your Own Mandalorian Armor Rating: 4,8/5 8954 reviews
  1. Mandalorian commandos are free to use any of the above gauntlets or make their own, although it should be remembered that (as with all of their armour) they ought to look like they COULD have been in the movies. Depending upon the material your gauntlets are made from there are several ways to attach them.
  2. Children of Mandalore. Being a girl has some serious disadvantages when it comes to wanting to make your own Mandalorian armor. For example, you can't just buy some armor plates off ebay or do some fancy cutting and use a trashcan for them. However, thanks to an awesome friend of mine we brainstormed some ideas and figured out a way to use parts.
  1. Make Your Own Mandalorian Armor Tattoo

Make Your Own Mandalorian Armor Tattoo

If you are looking for a suit of armor like they wore in the Middle Ages, then you are looking in the right place, so long as you are here, looking at Dark Knight Armoury. Here, we have everything you need to outfit yourself from head to toe in gleaming steel armor that will give you the total protection that the knights of old enjoyed when they rode into battle. Browsing through our metal armor section will show you that we do, indeed, carry quite a few pieces of armor, both as individual pieces, partial sets, and full suits of armour. This variety allows you to pick your level of protection and build on it, if you desire.

This means that if you are looking for partial protection, you can browse through our selection of metal arm armor and metal leg armor to find just the pieces you want to keep your limbs safe. Add in a piece or two of metal body armor and you will be almost set for battle. Did you pick out a pair of metal steel pauldrons to wear?

On April 18, 2019, this helmet was approved for MODERN ERA use by the Mandalorian Mercs Costume Club. The above picture is of the final concept. A picture of the first printed and assembled helmet is now available on the HELMETS page. Pricing has been determined. Please see the HELMETS page and BLOG page for more details.

Well, you will need a metal steel gorget to go with it, as this will not only keep your neck safe, but it will also keep the pauldrons secured on your shoulders. You can also cut out the hassle of building your own suit and just pick up either a metal steel armor package or a full suit of armor. Our steel armor packages offer various levels of protection, ranging from minimal coverage to maximum protection, and our metal full suits of armor take that a step further, by layering you in steel that will keep you protected from virtually anything you encounter.

Our metal steel armor is great for medieval reenactments, stage events, and theater productions, as it lends a touch of authenticity and realism to your look. And of course, it also goes without saying that it is perfect for SCA events and LARP battles, where you will really appreciate the level of protection that a good suit of steel can provide. Are you heading into battle any time soon? Do you want to be perfectly protected behind a suit of steel? Then you are right where you need to be, right here in the metal armor section at Dark Knight Armoury.

One of the most iconic things for a warrior to wear in the Middle Ages was the suit of armor, and at Dark Knight Armoury, we are proud to offer pieces of metal body armor for the modern-day warrior to wear! Our metal plate armor is hardy and rugged, possessing a great look as well as a strength that will keep you safe from sword-blows and spear-thrusts. Contrary to typical belief, plate armor was not the invention of the Middle Ages, but rather, had early predecessors in the years of Roman rule, when armor like their lorica segmentas were popular.

These pieces of plate armor fell into disuse for a time, although eventually, during the Late Middle Ages, plate armor again became more common. It was particularly favored by knights and mounted cavalry, although infantry and ground units wore it as well. Plate armor was also very common among the nobility, who enjoyed rich, decorative suits of armor that showed off as much status as they did protect their wearer.

The more common pieces of plate armour were the breastplate or the chest plate, which offered protection to the front of the chest. Paired with a good back plate, which would cover your back, this style of armor kept your torso virtually safe from direct harm. At Dark Knight Armoury, we offer many different styles of breastplates and back plates, allowing you to craft your own armored look to suit your needs, while we also offer cuirasses and harnesses, which include both pieces, to provide the total protection that you desire. And the best part is that our metal body armor is great for a variety of uses, ensuring that you can use it for SCA, though we recommend checking your local rules and regulations, for LARP, for fairs, for costuming, or for whatever else you have in mind! Given how important your arms are in a fight, it makes sense to keep them fully protected. The metal arm armor found here at Dark Knight Armoury works wonders for keeping your arm protected, ensuring that no matter what weapon comes hurtling your way, your arms will be safe and secure behind several different pieces of plate armor.

Arm armor comes in several different styles, and it falls to each individual warrior to determine what arm armor is best suited for them. Bracers typically offer the least amount of protection and are light, making them easier to wear. Next up are gauntlets, which cover part of the forearm, the wrist, and the hand, including the fingers. Pairing a gauntlet with a set of functional full arm armor provides some of the greatest protection, securing almost the whole arm behind layers of protective steel. And of course, pauldrons keep your shoulders safe and can be worn with virtually any of the above pieces. All of our metal plate armor at Dark Knight Armoury is crafted from steel and is of the highest quality, being crafted from either 16 or 18 gauge durable steel that is suited for use in both LARP battles and in SCA events.

Of course, you can also choose to wear it because it looks cool, making it great gear to wear when you are concerned with your appearance for something like a theater production or a stage appearance. Want to keep your arms safe?

Then take a gander through our metal arm armor section and see what catches your fancy. Are you looking for some leg armor to wear when you head onto the field of battle? Well, look no further than at Dark Knight Armoury, because we offer a wide selection of metal leg armor that will keep your legs as defended as you desire! Not only will it keep you protected, but our various styles of leg armor will also make you look that much more like a true medieval warrior. Historically, leg armor came in various shapes and forms, and we endeavor to provide historical accuracy here, so we offer various styles as well. Greaves and tassets are among the most basic forms, as greaves are worn on the lower leg and provide a modicum of protection, although they are also quite light in weight, which means you will not tire yourself out wearing them.

Tassets, on the other hand, are worn about the waist like a belt and help to protect your upper legs and thighs. Full leg armor is a bit weightier but also a lot more protective, as it encloses the leg almost completely, making it much harder to strike decisively. Much of our metal leg armor is crafted from either 18 gauge steel or 16 gauge steel, which makes it perfect for use in SCA, reenactments, and LARP battles, as well as for use as casual costume pieces that really make you look like the most powerful warrior around. And because of its great, yet simple look, much of our leg armor will fit into virtually any theme imaginable, so you are free to wear it when and how you want! If you are looking to defend your legs and lower body with some knightly armor, then why not take a brief visit to the metal leg armor section at Dark Knight Armoury? You are bound to find something that will do just the trick. A gorget is more than just a typical piece of armor that protects your neck.

In fact, they are that, and so much more. Any one of the steel gorgets you will find here at Dark Knight Armoury will not only protect your neck, collar bone, and shoulders, but they are also made for helping you wear other pieces of armor, as well! Most of our gorgets are crafted from 16 gauge steel or 18 gauge steel, which makes them perfect for use in combat and reenactments of all sorts, ranging from harmless LARP battles to SCA reenactments. Contact your local chapter first, as regulations can vary from place to place. Many of our gorgets also feature additional leather buckles and straps that will attach the gorget to a pair of pauldrons, which only adds to your ability to wear a suit of metal armor.

We also offer bevors, which are like gorgets that extend up over the neck and lower face, and other wearable neck guards in various metals, which are perfect for adding that extra bit of safety to your person when you head into battle. We also offer gorgets in smaller and larger sizes, ensuring that large warriors and children alike can all join in the fun of a good medieval reenactment! If you are planning on wearing pauldrons with your armor, you might want to invest in a gorget, although even if you are not, a steel gorget from Dark Knight Armoury is still a great addition to have, as it completes your armoured look nicely and will also provide that added bit of protection right around a particularly vulnerable area.

Dark Knight Armoury offers, by far, the easiest way to put together a complete and cohesive looking suit of armor, thanks to our numerous metal armor packages. Each one is chock-full of great pieces that are all battle-ready, ensuring that no matter which one you get, from our smallest to our biggest, you will be equipped with the protection you seek for your battles ahead. Each one of our complete armor packages offers everything you need to create a fully armored look that will no doubt intimidate your enemies and inspire your allies, all while making you feel like an authentic warrior straight out of either the medieval era or the realm of fantasy. Our full sets typically include a breastplate, a back plate, pauldrons, bracers, greaves, and a tasset belt. Specifications can vary, so you should consult the item specific item descriptions to verify what sets include and what sets do not include. Some of our other armor sets are slightly less extensive, although they are in no way less impressive, as they serve to create a lighter, yet still armored look that will perfectly accent any warrior appearance with ease. Almost all of the armor in our metal armor packages are crafted from high quality 18 gauge steel, which makes them great for use in a variety of situations, including use in LARP battles and as costume pieces.

You can use them in reenactments and SCA events, although you should check with your local chapter first as rules and regulations can vary from locale to locale. Like the warriors of old did, we recommend any of our gambesons be worn underneath the armor, both for reasons of comfort and ease of movement without any pinching, as well as to add some padding for absorbing impacts. So if you want a complete armored look without all the hassle of having to assemble the armour yourself, then look no further, because the metal armor packages at Dark Knight Armoury have basically everything you will need to keep yourself protected when you head off into battle.

For a level of protection that cannot be beaten, you will want to invest in one of Dark Knight Armourys metal full suits of armor. These suits of armor are modeled after the typical examples of plate armor that would have been common during the Late Middle Ages, and will give you both the protection and the look of a real knight in shining armor. These suits of steel armor and some of the finest in quality, providing an authentic look that will leave others speechless, as well as a high degree of protection that many opposing warriors will have trouble getting through. For a period of about 3 to 4 hundred years, plate armor reigned supreme as the dominant armor of the battlefield, being preferred by both cavalry and infantry. It was only the invention of flintlock that forced plate armor into a decline. Our suits of plate armor echo the look and feel of classic examples, ranging from the typical styles that were common all across Europe, including English plate armor, Gothic plate armor, and Milanese plate armor, as well as suits of armor that are modeled after the armor favored by certain kings, princes, and other noble dignitaries of those eras.

As decorative as some of the suits of armor look, though, they are all fully functional and will provide you with all the defense you could want, whether you are participating in an SCA reenactment or a traditional LARP battle! You can also even wear them as costume pieces, just to give yourself the look of a true knight from the middle ages. And the best part is that we have a full suit of armor for every budget, ensuring that young squires can afford to get a set of armor that will keep them alive in battle, while fully-fledged knights and nobles can have the armor that befits their personal status and rank. So if you are looking for a metal full suit of armor to wear, then you will be happy to know that we offer just what you are looking for here at Dark Knight Armoury.

You've stumbled across my first instructable. Basically, this outlines the process I went through in order to make my own Boba Fett costume from cardboard for halloween. For this project you will need Cardboard. And lots of it (approximately 2mm thick or so, no thicker than a pizza box)X-acto knife or scissors (BE CAREFUL!)Printed out templates found here: box cardboard, (the stuff with a shiny surface)White spray-paintgreen spray-paint (or whatever color paint your armor shall be)silver model paintpaint brushes (small)time (about 10 hours or so depending)oh and craft glue.


I do not recommend hot glue, as it dries quite quickly, leaving little room for error, and will leave a gap between layers. I recommend Beacon's 3 in 1 Advanced Craft Glue, but any craft glue should work. Now that the templates are cut out, trace them onto pieces of the thicker cardboard.

(not the cereal boxes) Cut out each piece of cardboard select a piece to start with. I personally choose the chest piece.

You will now want to trace the cardboard piece onto the cereal board. Now, the FRONT of the stiff cardboard should meet the BACK (not shiny side) of the cereal board. The shiny surface will be what you will finally paint. Now, take your craft glue and glue to two pieces together. As you do this, give the cardboard a slight bend in order to give it some shape. It's up to you to decide how much to bend it, but there should de a definitive bend.

Repeat this process for each piece. Follow any extra guidelines that the templates give you. Let all pieces dry individually. Well, if you've made it this far, great! If you've gotten bored of cardboard, don't give up! The rest of the project is quite fun!

Your ready to paint! I HIGHLY recommend a base-coat of white paint.

Hearts of iron 4 free play. A quick Tutorial on how to get and use Nuclear bombs in Hearts of Iron 4.If you like what you watched do not be afraid to go Subscribe.Please post any comments on something you would like to see reviewed or done!System Specs:i7-5820k @ 3.30GhzAsus X99-A 3 way Crossfire/SLI USB 3.0120mm WatercoolerThermalTake 750W 80 Plus gold16 GB Corsair Vengeance DDR4 2400 MHZEVGA GeForce GTX 970 FTW 4GBIntro Video created by.Intro Music by'The Decent' Kevin MacLeod ( under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0.Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound.

Spray-paint works best, as it leaves no brushstrokes. Work in a well ventilated area, with a tarp underneath. Follow the instructions on the can, and evenly coat every piece of the armor with white. Let the first coat dry, and go over it with a second white coat. Once the white paint has dried, use the color of choice to go over the armor, again making sure to paint evenly. Once the pieces have dried, take them back to your work area.

Now, to give them an authentic look, you will need to make the armor look worn out. However, this step can be partially skipped, or abbreviated. Depending if you plan on being boba fett, or another mandalorian, as Boba fett's armor is quite a bit more beat up than say Jango's. Simply take an X-acto knife and make scratches and cuts as needed. Make sure to only cut through the layers of paint and the first layer of cardboard. This is a link that more clearly illustrates the process.

It also sums up the beginning've made some dents and scratches, take silver model paint and go over the torn areas. This will make it appear that metal is showing from under the paint. To further enhance the look, take the silver paint, and run it over the outer edges of each piece. This REALLY creates the illusion that the paint has worn away. A technique that I developed to put small, realistic scratches in the armor is to take sandpaper, and put some silver paint on it, while the pain is still fresh, rub the sandpaper onto the armor. This will create numerous scratches, and each will be filled with a tiny amount of silver paint.

Impossible to do with a normal brush. On the right chest-plate, you will need to mark the twin rectangles out and cut them out as they are concave. I did it by eyeballing it, and it turned out well in my opinion. Now that your armor is properly worn, its time to figure out how your going to wear it. For me, I decided on a pair of gray Cargo pants from WalMart, a gray long-sleeved shirt, and a tan tee-shirt.

Now, for the belt, I connected the two pieces by using binder clips that I spray-painted green. For attaching the pieces, I used industrial strength velcro with INCREDIBLY strong adhesive on the back. I put the soft side on the clothes, and the rough side on the armor. Be sure to CAREFULLY place the velcro as it is VERY hard to remove, and will not stick as well a second time.

(consider using a friend for help). The helmet, as you are sure to notice, has been spurned in this tutorial. Alas I was forced to buy Hasbro's for $35 as I did not have time to attempt the cardboard version. That about sums it up! If you have questions, please post! Ill answer and make revisions to this as necessary!

Happy hunting!

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