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In order to do this effectively the nurse needs to understand the healing process, recognize the factors which may delay wound healing, understand how wound healing can be optimized, know how to recognize complications if they arise and know how to treat them.This text, specifically written for community nurses, including practice nurses, provides a picture of wound healing for both acute and chronic wounds that may be encountered in a community setting. An overview of the function of the skin and phases of wound healing are examined prior to looking at the relationship between wound healing and the patients' health and lifestyle.The reference is written in a question-and-answer format, and includes relevant case studies.
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The Germ Survival Guide: Describes 80 common locales in which germ-borne diseases pose a threat Offers simple preventive measures, from removing hotel bedspreads to draining backyard birdbaths Tells readers how to recognize symptoms and get treatment Introduces readers to more than 100 types of bacteria, molds, and parasites Combines conventional medical techniques and natural measures to give readers a complete and effective health plan. Sex For Dummies 3rd Edition-Try new sexual positionsThe bestselling guide to a rewarding sex life and a deeper relationshipLooking for the straight facts on sex? In this friendly, authoritative guide, renowned sex therapist Dr. Ruth gives you the latest on everything from oral sex and popular positions to new methods of birth control. She also debunks sex myths and covers new therapies to manage low libido, overcome sexual dysfunction, and enhance pleasure.Praise for Dr.
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Navigate cybersex. Review of Medical Physiology 21st Edition-This book provides a current and concise overview of mammalian and human physiology. Examples from clinical medicine have been integrated throughout the chapters to illuminate important physiologic concepts. The book includes more than 700 attractive and informative illustrations. A valuable self-study guide, which features content summaries, objectives, essay questions, and multiple-choice questions, is provided at the end of the book and is an excellent tool for students when reviewing for the USMLE and other examinations.
Primary Care Pediatrics-This pediatric primary care text takes a family centered approach, examining issues from the perspective of the child and the caregiver. Unlike most primary care texts, it blends traditional health care with complementary therapies. Throughout, it identifies needs based on culture and ethnicity and lists community resources-including websites-where families can obtain more information or help. Features include: Case Studies, Clinical Pearls, and Clinical Warnings. Physicians Guide to Clinical Forensic Medicine-Margaret Stark and a team of authoritative experts offer a timely survey of the fundamental principles and latest developments in clinical forensic medicine.

Topics range from sexual assault examination to injury interpretation, from nonaccidental injury in children, to crowd control agents. Also included are extensive discussions of the care of detainees, the management of substance abuse detainees in custody, the causes and prevention of deaths in custody, and the fundamentals of traffic medicine.
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In the absence of international standards of training, the authors also address the basic issues of consent, confidentiality, note-keeping, court reporting, and attendance in court. Comprehensive and authoritative, A Physicians Guide to Clinical Forensic Medicine offers forensic specialists and allied professionals a reliable, up-to-date guide to proven practices and procedures for a every variety of police inquiry requiring clinical forensic investigation. Pain Medicine and Management Just the Facts -A quick reference to the management of pain for specialists as well as general medical practitioners and residents.
Written in a concise bulleted format, the content is limited to only the essential facts necessary for assessment and treatment of common pain conditions and presentations. A perfect review tool for both the anesthesia and pain medicine board exams.This concise, yet comprehensive review is the perfect tool to prepare for certification, re-certification, CME-or for use as a clinical refresher. Featuring the insights of the world's leading authorities, its highly efficient format conveniently condenses and simplifies only the most important content, for maximum yield and comprehension. Nutrition: A Handbook for Community Nurses -Product DescriptionThis book has been written to provide community nurses with basic and topical practical information on various aspects of nutrition, to help in the provision of comprehensive dietary advice and information. It discusses healthy eating and nutrition and includes an overview of the current healthy eating guidelines, dietary reference values and basic information on macronutrients, vitamins and minerals.It explains the role of the different nutrients and describes their relationship in promoting health and it outlines the differing needs and health concerns of various groups in the population, including pregnant women, infants, school children, adolescents and elderly people.
The importance of nutrition in disease prevention is examined with a look at practical dietary advice for prevention and treatment of diet-related diseases. Handbook of Personality Disorders Theory and Practice -This comprehensive reference, edited by one of the leading experts in the field, assimilates the newest and most effective treatment techniques for the personality disorders. Each chapter is written by leading scholars in the Cognitive-Behavior, Humanistic and Integrative theoretical models. In addition to a detailed case example in each chapter, additional case studies are integrated and used throughout. Digestive Wellness-Sixty percent of the population has suffered from a digestive ailment in the last three months.
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Acid reflux, heartburn, gastritis, ulcers, lactose intolerance, and food allergies are among the many ailments caused by faulty digestion. Digestive Wellness was designed to help you understand the complex relationships between gastrointestinal physiology, diet, and health.Written by noted nutritionist Elizabeth Lipski, this accessible third edition of the popular resource has been thoroughly updated to reflect the latest information and research on digestive disorders. Here, you will find practical advice on implementing a wellness program to promote health and alleviate a wide range of problems caused by faulty digestion. Breastfeeding and Human Lactation-This is THE reference text for lactation consultants.
In its third edition, the text has been updated to reflect new knowledge in the physiology of breastfeeding, milk supply, positioning, the management of breastfeeding, and the role of the lactation consultant. The text is divided into 5 sections that cover the sociocultural context of infant feeding, anatomy and biological imperatives, the prenatal, perinatal and postnatal periods, beyond postpartum, and contemporary issues. It is accompanied by a CD-ROM and color insert, both of which accurately depict positioning, the normal breast, and breastfeeding problems.
An Atlas of Schizophrenia-This comprehensive color atlas covers the clinical features, etiology, pathophysiology, and treatment of schizophrenia including modern developments in treatment and directions of new research. It describes schizophrenia's profound effects on perception, understanding, communication, and social behavior; its identifiable antecedents in early brain growth and development; and morphological data from structural brain imaging and post-mortem studies. The atlas provides examples of the latest research developments in neuropsychology, psychophysiology and functional imaging along with in vivo receptor imaging and other advances in psychopharmacology. Transducing The Genome Information Anarchy and Revolution in the Biomedical Sciences -In this important book, a scientist gives us an inside account of the historic paradigm shift underway in the life sciences as a result of The Human Genome Project, and provides a philosophical framework in which to understand biology and medicine as information sciences.
In a story told on many fascinating levels, Gary Zweiger introduces us to the visionaries who first understood genes as information carriers and chronicles how their early efforts led to the birth of the new science of genomics.He provides insights into the uneasy collaboration of private, government, and academic efforts, the role of the pharmaceutical companies, and the influence of venture capitalists on one of the most ambitious and potentially significant scientific undertakings in history. Most importantly, he explores the profound impact that the transducing of biological information into a digital format already has had on biological research and medicine, and the equally profound effect it is sure to have on our understanding of ourselves and all living creatures. The Biogenesis of Cellular Organelles-The Biogenesis of Cellular Organelles represents a comprehensive summary of recent advances in the study of the biogenesis and functional dynamics of the major organelles operating in the eukaryotic cell. This book begins by placing the study of organelle biogenesis in a historical perspective by describing past scientific strategies, theories, and findings and relating these foundations to current investigations. Reviews of protein and lipid mediators important for organelle biogenesis are then presented, and are followed by summaries focused on the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi, lysosome, nucleus, mitochondria, and peroxisome.
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Molecular Biology of Human Cancers An Advanced Students Textbook -Over the last three decades, knowledge on the molecular biology of human cancers has vastly expanded. A host of genes and proteins involved in cancer development and progression have been defined and many mechanisms at the molecular, cellular and even tissue level have been, at least partly, elucidated. Insights have also been gained into the molecular mechanisms underlying carcinogenesis by chemical, physical, and biological agents and into inherited susceptibility to cancer. Accordingly, Part I of the book presents many of the molecules and mechanisms generally important in human cancers. Following an overview on the cancer problem, individual chapters deal with cancer genetics and epigenetics, DNA damage and repair, oncogenes, tumor suppressors, regulatory pathways in cancer, apoptosis, cellular senescence, tumor invasion, and metastasis. A consensus is emerging that while these common mechanisms and molecules are all relevant to human cancers, in each cancer type (or even subtype) a selection of them are extremely important.
For selected cancers, the route from genetic and epigenetic changes to their biological and clinical behavior can already be traced. Part II of the book presents a broad, but exemplary selection of cancers that serve as paradigms to illustrate this point. In fact, cancer research has now reached a critical stage, in which the accumulated knowledge on molecular mechanisms is gradually translated into improved prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.
The state, pitfalls, and potential of these efforts are summarized in Part III. More than ever, cancer research is now an interdisciplinary effort which requires a basic knowledge of commonly used terms, facts, issues, and concepts. The aim of this book is to provide advanced students and practitioners of different disciplines with this basis, bridging the gap between standard textbooks of molecular biology, pathology, and oncology on the one hand and the specialized cancer literature on the other.
Biological Basis of Geriatric Oncology Cancer Treatment and Research -Biological Basis of Geriatric Oncology highlights research issues that are specific to geriatric oncology in the field of carcinogenesis and cancer prevention and treatment, based on the biologic interactions of cancer and age. It illustrates the benefit of the principles of geriatrics in the management of cancer in the older individual.This volume provides a frame of reference for practicioners of any specialties involved in the management of older patients and for oncologists involved in the management of cancer of older individuals. It is a source for basic and clinical scientists exploring the interactions and emerging information of cancer and aging. Imagination And Its Pathologies-From John Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding to the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, madness has been viewed as a faulty mix of ideas by a deranged and violent imagination.
This book shows that the relation of the imagination to pathological phenomena is as diverse and complex as the human condition itself. The imagination has the power not only to react to the world but to recreate it. And that power is double-edged: it is as destructive as it is creative.Recent advances in genetics and neuroscience have reinforced the empiricist approach in psychiatry, to the neglect of subjective aspects of the pathological experience. This book argues that the study of the imagination and pathology is long overdue, and that such an integration will be both theoretically and clinically fruitful. Because imagination can be creatively integrative as well as pathological, the book emphasizes the holistic, therapeutic dimension of imagination as well as its destructive effects. The areas discussed include philosophical perspectives on pathological imagination; pathological imagination and the psychodynamic tradition; and specific cases of pathological imagination in schizophrenia, juvenile pathology, artistic creativity (Vaslav Nijinsky), and religious expression (St.
Early Detection and Management of Mental Disorders -The WHO has found that mental disorders rank in the top 10 of leading causes of disability in the world, creating a significant social, emotional and economic burden for young people, their families and society.