Jurnal Biokimia Karbohidrat Pdf
ABSTRACT The improving social welfare and food availability has created a shift of consumption pattern that leads to high-fat foodsand low-complex carbohydrate, especially the fibrous foods. As we know,carbohydrate has been considered as the safecomponent of foods, therefore, it is recommended to be consumed more. Recently, more experts have started to thinkabout the role of carbohydrate and the emergence of atherosclerosis.
Karbohidrat bersama seyawa lemak dan protein memegang peranan dasar bagi kehidupan di bumi. Karbohidrat merupakan bahan makanan penting dalam sumber tenaga yang terdapat dalam tumbuhan dan hewan. Selain itu karbohidrat juga menjadi komponen stuktur penting pada mahluk hidup dalam bentuk serat (fiber), seperti selulosa, pektim, serta lignin.
- TUGAS MATA KULIAH BIOKIMIA. Shoko Ikeda. Renal brush-border membrane Pi uptake activity and renal Npt2a and Npt2c expressions were significantly decreased in VAD rats. The transcriptional activity of a luciferase reporter plasmid containing the promoter region of human Npt2a and Npt2c genes was increased markedly by ATRA and a RAR.
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The Purpose of the research was to know the riskof high carbohydrate diet application compared to high fat blood triglyceride diet content and high Density Lipoprotein.Complete random design and Post Test Only Control Group was used in this research. Statistic test one way Anova wasused to know the difference resulted from diet aplication, and the situation of the difference continued by Tukey Test.The Value of Triglyceride is measured by using Calorimetric Enzymatic test – Glycerol 3 Phosphate –oxidase methodsand the value of HDL is measured by using Cholesterol Hydrolise – oxidase methods. The result showed that the highestvalue of triglyceride were on the high fat diet group ( 169 mg/dl), followed by high carbohydrate diet ( 130,2 mg/dl) and thelowest was normal diet (81,2 mg/dl). The lowest value of HDL were on the normal diet group (32,7 mg/dl), followed byhigh fat diet (34,2 mg/dl) and the highest was high carbohydrate diet (38,4 mg/dl). The result of the statistical test over the.
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Jurnal Biokimia Karbohidrat Pdf
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