Adab Kitab Yasin Yaynevi
Home » Sunan Abi Dawud » Book of General Behavior (Kitab Al-Adab) كتاب الأدب. 43 General Behavior (Kitab Al-Adab) (1) Chapter: Regarding forbearance and the character of the Prophet(pbuh) (1) باب فِي الْحِلْمِ وَأَخْلاَقِ النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم. Kitab Adab-Adab Bersama Al-Quran (Imam Nawawi) m/s 157. Be Sociable, Share! Tweet; Video rujukan berkaitan: Keistimewaan Majlis Khatam Quran Kehebatan dan Peringatan Tentang Berdoa di dalam Majlis Khatam Quran Strategi Khatam Quran Majlis Ta’lim 28 Feb 2014. Previous Post Next Post.
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The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) was one of the best of men in character. One day he sent me to do something, and I said: I swore by Allah that I would not go. But in my heart I felt that I should go to do what the Prophet of Allah (ﷺ) had commanded me; so I went out and came upon some boys who were playing in the street. All of a sudden the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) who had come up behind caught me by the back of the neck, and when I looked at him he was laughing.
He said: Go where I ordered you, little Anas. I replied: Yes, I am going, Apostle of Allah!
Adab Kitab Yasin Yayinevi English
Anas said: I swear by Allah, I served him for seven or nine years, and he never said to me about a thing which I had done: Why did you do such and such? Nor about a thing which I left: why did not do such and such? The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) used to sit with us in meetings and talk to us. When he stood up we also used to stand up and see him entering the house of one of his wives. One day he talked to us and we stood up as he stood up and we saw that an Arabi (a nomadic Arab) caught hold of him and gave his cloak a violent tug making his neck red.AbuHurayrah said: The cloak was coarse.
He turned to him and the Arabi said to him: Load these two camels of mine, for you do not give me anything from your property or from your father's property.The Prophet (ﷺ) said to him: No, I ask Allah's forgiveness; no, I ask Allah's forgiveness; no, I ask Allah's forgiveness. I shall not give you the camel-load until you make amends for the way in which you tugged at me.Each time the Arabi said to him: I swear by Allah, I shall not do so.He then mentioned the rest of the tradition. He (the Prophet), then called a man and said to him: Load these two camels of his: one camel with barley and the other with dates. He then turned to us and said: Go on your way with the blessing of Allah. Two men reviled each other in the presence of the Prophet (ﷺ) and one of them became excessively angry so much so that I thought that his nose will break up on account of excess of anger. The Prophet (ﷺ) said: I know a phrase which, if he repeated, he could get rid of this angry feeling. They asked: What is it, Messenger of Allah?

He replied: He should say: I seek refuge in Thee from the accursed devil. Mu'adh then began to ask him to do so, but he refused and persisted in quarrelling, and began to enhance his anger.
We were sitting with `Imran b. Hussain and Bushair b. Ka`b was also there. Hussain reported the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) as saying: Modesty is good altogether, or he said: Modesty is altogether good. Ka`b said: We find in some books that there is a modesty which produces peace and dignified bearing, and there is a modesty which produces weakness. Hussain repeated the same words. So `Imran became angry so much so that his eyes became red, and he said: Don’t you see that I am transmitting a tradition from the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) and you are mentioning something from your books?

He (Qatadah) said: We said: Abu Nujaid, it is sufficient. Al-Miqdam ibn Shurayh, quoting his father, said: I asked Aisha about living in the desert. She said: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) used to go to the desert to these rivulets. Once he intended to go to the desert and he sent to me a she-camel from the camel of sadaqah which had not been used for riding so far. He said to me: Aisha! Show gentleness, for if gentleness is found in anything, it beautifies it and when it is taken out from anything it damages it.Ibn al-Sabbah said in his version: Muharramah means a mount which has not been used for riding. The Prophet (ﷺ) said: If someone is given something, he should give a return for it provided he can afford; if he cannot afford, he should praise him.
He who praises him for it, thanks him, and he who conceals it is ungrateful to him.Abu Dawud said: It has been transmitted by Yahya b. Ayyub, from `Umarah b. Ghaziyyah, from Sharahbil on the authority of Jabir.Abu Dawud said: In the chain of this tradition `Umarah b.
Ghaziyyah said: A man from my tribe said. The man referred by him is Sharahbil. It is likely that they disliked him and, therefore, they did not name him. The Prophet (ﷺ) said: A believer who recites the Qur'an is like a citron whose fragrance is sweet and whose taste is sweet, a believer who does not recite the Qur'an is like a date which has no fragrance but has sweet taste, a profligate who recites the Qur'an is like basil whose fragrance is sweet but whose taste is bitter, and the profligate who does not recite the Qur'an is like the colocynth which has a bitter taste and has not fragrance. A good companion is like a man who has musk; if nothing of it goes to you, its fragrance will (certainly) go to you; and a bad companion is like a man who has bellows; if its (black) root does not go to you, its smoke will (certainly) go to you. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) called me. He intended to send me with some goods to AbuSufyan to distribute among the Quraysh at Mecca after the conquest.He said: Search for a companion.
Then Amr ibn Umayyah ad-Damri came to me and said: I have been told that you are intending to make a journey and are seeking a companion.I said: Yes. He said: I am your companion.
I then went to the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) and said: I have found a companion.He asked: Who is he? I replied: Amr ibn Umayyah ad-Damri. He said: When you come down to the territory of his people, be careful of him, for a maxim says: If one is your real brother, do not feel safe with him.So we proceeded, and when I reached al-Abwa', he said to me: I have some work with my people at Waddan, so stay here till I come back. I said: Do not lose your way. When he turned his back, I recalled the words of the Prophet (ﷺ).
So I rode my camel and galloped without stopping. When I reached al-Asafir, he was pursuing me with a group of men.
So I galloped and forged ahead of him. When he saw me that I had outstripped him, they returned and he came to me.He said to me: I had some work with my people.
We then went on until we reached Mecca, and I gave the goods to AbuSufyan. The Prophet (ﷺ) said: No (Muslim) man will desert a man who is a Muslim in a place where his respect may be violated and his honour aspersed without Allah deserting him in a place here he wishes his help; and no (Muslim) man who will help a Muslim in a place where his honour may be aspersed and his respect violated without Allah helping him in a place where he wishes his help.Yahya said: 'Ubaid Allah b. 'Abd Allah b. 'Umar and 'Uqbah b. Shaddad transmitted it to me.Abu Dawud said: This yahya b. Sulaim is the son of Zaid, the freed slave of the Prophet (ﷺ), and Isma'il b. Bashir is the freed slave of Banu Maghalah.
Sometimes the name of 'Utbah b. Shaddad is mentioned instead of 'Uqbah. A desert Arab came and making his camel kneel and tethering it, entered the mosque and prayed behind the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ). When The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) had given the salutation, he went to his riding beast and, after untethering and riding it, he called out: O Allah, show mercy to me and to Muhammad and associate no one else in Thy mercy to us. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) then said: Do you think that he or his camel is farther astray? Did you not listen to what he said?
They replied: Certainly. Is one of you unable to be like Abu Damdam? The people asked: who is Abu Damdam? He replied: A man of old before you.
He then mentioned the rest of tradition to the tradition to the same effect. This version has: who would say (in the morning): My honors is for the one who reviles me.Abu Dawud said: This tradition has also been transmitted by Hashim bin al-Qasim from Muhammad b.
'Adb Allah al-'Ammi from Thabit on the authority of Anas from Prophet (ﷺ) to the same effect.Abu Dawud said: The tradition of Hammad (i.e. 'Abd al-Rahman's version) is sounder. AbulHaytham quoted Dukhayn, the scribe of Uqbah ibn Amir, saying: We had some neighbours who used to drink wine. I forbade them, but they did not stop.I then said to Uqbah ibn Amir: These neighbours of ours drink wine, and I tried to prevent them but they did not stop, and I am going to call the police about them.He said: Leave them.I again came to Uqbah ibn Amir and said: Our neighbours have refused to refrain from drinking wine, and I am going to call the police for them.He said: Woe to thee! Leave them alone. I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: he then mentioned the tradition to the same effect as recorded above on the authority of the narrator Muslim.Abu Dawud said: In this version Hashim b.
Al-Qasim said on the authority of Laith: Do not do it, but preach them and threaten them. While the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) was sitting with some of his companions, a man reviled AbuBakr and insulted him.
But AbuBakr remained silent. He insulted him twice, but AbuBakr controlled himself. He insulted him thrice and AbuBakr took revenge on him. Then the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) got up when AbuBakr took revenge.AbuBakr said: Were you angry with me, Messenger of Allah?The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) replied: An angel came down from Heaven and he was rejecting what he had said to you. When you took revenge, a devil came down. I was not going to sit when the devil came down. Ibn Awn said: I asked about the meaning of intisar (revenge) in the Qur'anic verse: 'But indeed if any do help and defend themselves (intasara) after a wrong (done) to them, against them there is no cause of blame.'
Then Ali ibn Zayd ibn Jad'an told me on the authority of Umm Muhammad, the wife of his father.Ibn Awn said: It was believed that she used to go to the Mother of the Faithful (i.e. She said: The Mother of the Faithful said: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) came upon me while Zaynab, daughter of Jahsh, was with us. He began to do something with his hand. I signalled to him until I made him understand about her. So he stopped.
Zaynab came on and began to abuse Aisha. She tried to prevent her but she did not stop.So he (the Prophet) said to Aisha: Abuse her.So she abused her and dominated her. Zaynab then went to Ali and said: Aisha abused you and did (such and such). Then Fatimah came (to the Prophet) and he said to her: She is the favourite of your father, by the Lord of the Ka'bah!She then returned and said to them: I said to him such and such, and he said to me such and such. Then Ali came to the Prophet (ﷺ) and spoke to him about that. I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: There were two men among Banu Isra'il, who were striving for the same goal. One of them would commit sin and the other would strive to do his best in the world.
The man who exerted himself in worship continued to see the other in sin.He would say: Refrain from it. One day he found him in sin and said to him: Refrain from it.He said: Leave me alone with my Lord.
Have you been sent as a watchman over me? He said: I swear by Allah, Allah will not forgive you, nor will he admit you to Paradise. Then their souls were taken back (by Allah), and they met together with the Lord of the worlds.He (Allah) said to this man who had striven hard in worship; Had you knowledge about Me or had you power over that which I had in My hand? He said to the man who sinned: Go and enter Paradise by My mercy. He said about the other: Take him to Hell.AbuHurayrah said: By Him in Whose hand my soul is, he spoke a word by which this world and the next world of his were destroyed. Sahl ibn AbuUmamah said that he and his father (AbuUmamah) visited Anas ibn Malik at Medina during the time (rule) of Umar ibn AbdulAziz when he (Anas ibn Malik) was the governor of Medina. He was praying a very short prayer as if it were the prayer of a traveller or near it.When he gave a greeting, my father said: May Allah have mercy on you!
Tell me about this prayer: Is it obligatory or supererogatory?He said: It is obligatory; it is the prayer performed by the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ). I did not make a mistake except in one thing that I forgot.He said: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) used to say: Do not impose austerities on yourselves so that austerities will be imposed on you, for people have imposed austerities on themselves and Allah imposed austerities on them. Their survivors are to be found in cells and monasteries. (Then he quoted:) 'Monasticism, they invented it; we did not prescribe it for them.' Next day he went out in the morning and said: will you not go out for a ride, so that you may see something and take a lesson from it?He said: Yes. Then all of them rode away and reached a land whose inhabitants had perished, passed away and died.
The roofs of the town had fallen in.He asked: Do you know this land? I said: Who acquainted me with it and its inhabitants? (Anas said:) This is the land of the people whom oppression and envy destroyed. Envy extinguishes the light of good deeds, and oppression confirms or falsifies it.
The eye commits fornication, and the palm of the hand, the foot, body, tongue and private part of the body confirm it or deny it. When a man cures anything, the curse goes up to heaven and the gates of heaven are locked against it. Then it comes down to the earth and its gates are locked against it. Then it goes right and left, and if it finds no place of entrance it returns to the thing which was cursed, and if it finds no place of entrance it returns to the thing which was cursed, and if it deserves what was said (it enters it), otherwise it returns to the one who uttered it.Abu Dawud said: Marwan b. Muhammad said: He is Rabah b. Al-Walid who heard from him (nimran).
He (Marwan b. Muhammad) said: Yahya b. Hussain was confused in it. The gates of Paradise are opened on Mondays and Thursdays, and forgiveness is granted to every man who does not associate anything with Allah, except for a man between whom and his brother there is rancor. Command will be given that they should be given respite till they conciliate.Abu Dawud said: The Prophet (ﷺ) kept apart from some of his wives for forty days, and Ibn 'Umar kept apart from his son till he died.Abu Dawud said: If keeping apart is meant for the sake of Allah, then it has no concern with it. 'Umar bin 'Abd al-'Aziz covered his face from a man. When the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) arrived after the expedition to Tabuk or Khaybar (the narrator is doubtful), the draught raised an end of a curtain which was hung in front of her store-room, revealing some dolls which belonged to her.He asked: What is this?
She replied: My dolls. Among them he saw a horse with wings made of rags, and asked: What is this I see among them? She replied: A horse. He asked: What is this that it has on it?
She replied: Two wings. He asked: A horse with two wings? She replied: Have you not heard that Solomon had horses with wings?
She said: Thereupon the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) laughed so heartily that I could see his molar teeth. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) married me when I was seven or six.
When we came to Medina, some women came. According to Bishr's version: Umm Ruman came to me when I was swinging. They took me, made me prepared and decorated me. I was then brought to the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), and he took up cohabitation with me when I was nine. She halted me at the door, and I burst into laughter.Abu Dawud said: That is to say: I menstruated, and I was brought in a house, and there were some women of the Ansari in it.
They said: With good luck and blessing. The tradition of one of them has been included in the other. If anyone removes his brother’s anxiety of this world, Allah will remove for him one of the anxieties of the Day of resurrection; if anyone makes easy for an impoverished man, Allah will make easy for him in this world and on the day of resurrection; if anyone conceals a Muslim’s secrets, Allah will conceal his secrets in this world and on the Day of resurrection; Allah will remain in the aid of a servant so long as the servant remains in the aid of his brother.Abu Dawud said: ‘Uthman did not transmit the following words from Abu Mu’awiyah: “if anyone makes easy for an impoverished man”. When Hani went with his people in a deputation to the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), he heard them calling him by his kunyah (surname), AbulHakam.So the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) called him and said: Allah is the judge (al-Hakam), and to Him judgment belongs. Why are you given the kunyah AbulHakam?He replied: When my people disagree about a matter, they come to me, and I decide between them, and both parties are satisfied with my decision.He said: How good this is! What children have you? He replied: I have Shurayh, Muslim and Abdullah.
He asked; Who is the oldest of them? I replied: Shurayh. He said: Then you are AbuShurayh.Abu Dawud said: This is Shuraib who broke the chain, and who entered Tustar.Abu Dawud said: I have been told that Shuraib broke the gate of Tustar, and he entered it through tunnel. The Prophet (ﷺ) asked: What is your name? He replied: Hazn (rugged). He said: You are Sahl (smooth). He said: No, smooth is trodden upon and disgraced.
Sa'id said: I then thought that ruggedness would remain among us after it.AbuDawud said: The Prophet (ﷺ) changed the names al-'As, Aziz, Atalah, Shaytan, al-Hakam, Ghurab, Hubab, and Shihab and called him Hisham. He changed the name Harb (war) and called him Silm (peace). He changed the name al-Munba'ith (one who lies) and called him al-Mudtaji' (one who stands up).
He changed the name of a land Afrah (barren) and called it Khadrah (green). He changed the name Shi'b ad-Dalalah (the mountain path of a stray), the name of a mountain path and called it Shi'b al-Huda (mountain path of guidance).
He changed the name Banu az-Zinyah (children of fornication) and called them Banu ar-Rushdah (children of those who are on the right path), and changed the name Banu Mughwiyah (children of a woman who allures and goes astray), and called them Banu Rushdah (children of a woman who is on the right path).AbuDawud said: I omitted the chains of these for the sake of brevity. Zayd ibn Aslam quoted his father as saying: Umar ibn al-Khattab (Allah be pleased with him) struck one of his sons who was given the kunyah AbuIsa, and al-Mughirah ibn Shu'bah had the kunyah AbuIsa.
Umar said to him: Is it not sufficient for you that you are called by the kunyah AbuAbdullah? He replied: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) gave me this kunyah. Thereupon he said: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) was forgiven all his sins, past and those followed.
But we are among the people similar to us. Henceforth he was called by the kunyah AbuAbdullah until he died. The Prophet (ﷺ) said: If anyone is called by my name, he must not be given my kunyah (surname), and if anyone uses my kunyah (surname), he must not be called by my name.Abu Dawud said: Ibn 'Ajlan transmitted it to the same effect from his father on the authority if Abu Hurairah. It has also been transmitted by Abu Zar'ah from Abu Hurairah in two different versions. And similar is the version of 'Abd al-Rahman b. Abi 'Amrah from Abu Hurairah.
This version is disputed: Al-Thawri and Ibn Juraij transmitted it according to the version of Abu al-Zubair; and Ma'qil b. 'Ubaid Allah transmitted it according to the version of Ibn Sirin. It is again dispted on Musa b. Yasar from Abu Hurariah, transmitting it in two versions: Hammad b.
Khalid and Ibn Abi Fudaik varied in their versions. Aisha said: Messenger of Allah!
All my fellow-wives have kunyahs? He said: Give yourself the kunyah by Abdullah, your son - that is to say, her nephew (her sister's son).Musaddad said: Abdullah ibn az-Zubayr. She was called by the kunyah Umm Abdullah.Abu Dawud said: Qurran b.
Tammam and Ma'mar all have transmitted it from Hisham in a similar manner. It has also been transmitted by Abu Usamah from Hisham, from 'Abbad b.
Similarly, Hammad b. Salamah and Maslamah b. Qa'nab have narrated it from Hisham, like the tradition transmitted by Abu Usamah.
The Messenger of Allah (May peace be upon him) was in the I’TIKAF(seclusion in the mosque). I came to visit him at night. I talked to him, got up and turned my back.
He got up with me to accompany me. He was living in the house of Usamah b. Two men of the Ansar passed by him. When they saw the Messenger of Allah (May peace be upon him), they walked quickly.
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The prophet (May peace be upon him) said: Be at ease; she is Safiyyah daughter of Huyayy. They said: Glory be to Allah, Messenger of Allah!
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He said: The devil flows in man as the blood flows in him. I feared that he might inject something in your hearts, or he said “evil” (instead of something). I bought something from the Prophet (ﷺ) before he received his Prophetic commission, and as there was something still due to him I promised him that I would bring it to him at his place, but I forgot. When I remembered three days later, I went to that place and found him there. He said: You have vexed me, young man. I have been here for three days waiting for you.Abu Dawud said: Muhammad b. Yahya said: This is, in our opinion, 'Abd al-Karim b.
'Abd Allah b. Shaqiq (instead of 'from 'Abd al-Karim from 'Abd Allah b. Shaqiq').Abu Dawud said: In a similar way I have been informed by 'Ali b. 'Abd Allah.Abu Dawud said: I have been told that Bishr b. Al-Sarri transmitted it from 'Abd Allah b.