Star Wars Repulsor Tank
Are used by the Empire in a manner that is tactically identical to how a modern day army would use a tank, in that they are used as shock armour with powerful main guns which will punch through entrenched positions. (No combined arms tactics were used in the Battle of Hoth, but that's a different question altogether)However, AT-AT walkers have a number of (rather lethal) drawbacks and no advantages that I can see compared to tanks. They have footpads in place of treads, which greatly increase their ground pressure, and which will cause them to easily sink as compared to treads.
The T2-B repulsor tank was a light attack tank used by the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. The tank's repulsorlifts allowed it to travel over any form of terrain, even making the transition from water to land with relative ease.

They have a high center of gravity and can be easily tripped, which was exploited in the Battle of Hoth. (granted that this was canonically presented as an oversight, albeit a rather stupid one, since most martial arts strongly emphasise lowering your CG.). They are slower than a modern main battle tank despite their long legs, which one would normally expect to grant additional mobility (max speed 60km/h on flat terrain, compared to 72km/h on flat terrain for the ). This is exacerbated by the fact that AT-AT walkers are using fusion power cells as compared to diesel engines.It would seem that it would make far more sense for the Empire to remove the legs and mount the main chassis on treads, which would make the vehicle far more effective. Why then, did they not do this?
It clearly was not the case that imperial Engineers lacked imagination, as they did produce.Possible answers which I find implausible as advantages:1: AT-AT walkers are tall, and therefore have a surveying advantage over the battlefield / have a better vantage point to fire fromOrbital satellites can provide the observation, and in any case air/orbital support should always be called in, especially if fire support from above is required. I'm guessing something that large lacks a turning radius and brakes, for fear mongers the AT-AT is the ultimate show of imperialist domination. That and they just look like something that would make the Rebels run for their money. One thing that irks me though about the entire Star Wars universe, why even have a land invasion at all?
Surely the Empire could just orbital nuke a world from space they even have a freakin death star. Seems like a waste of good resources to scare your enemy to death with giant toys. 'Now witness the power of the darkside. Assisted with the help of Imperial techn– user56592 Dec 2 '15 at 6:49.
AT-AT means All Terrain Armo(u)red Transport.It's not 'just' a tank. Primarily its role is to take in its compliment of Stormtroopers to the enemy in safety. (Thus, packing the armour that Luke complains about in Ep. V) (In that sense, comparing the speed of a 4 person Abrams isn't really fair against a 40 troops-worth of AT-AT)Two main reasons for long legs (apart from movie aesthetics) in universe as far as I'm aware are:. Versatility; Vehicles with treads can't just step over small cliffs or other steep changes in altitude. The AT-AT can. Artillery; Projectiles are subject to gravity, thus to shoot far away a tank would fire upwards so the projectile will arc down and hit its target.
However, lasers in the Star Wars universe aren't affected by gravity. Thus, the higher the vantage point, the further you can shoot.But, mainly, it looks badass (as Richard pointed out earlier in the comments). There are some flaws in the logic.
If an Abrams can carry 4 persons only, well, then you need ten Abrams to carry 40 persons but ten Abrams are still faster than an AT-AT (and still cheaper). And today we also have tanks more suited to personnel transport and still as fast or even faster than that.

By they way, today’s artillery can shoot much widener than one can look in a straight line, even if you put them on a raised position, thus being guided by another observer (or satellite) has become standard. Therefore, being restricted to shoot in a straight line (of sight) only is a disadvantage.–Dec 18 '14 at 11:23. Clearly speed is not one of the AT-AT's assets. They're also lumbering & they shake the ground from a considerable distance as they walk.
Therefore we can say that surprising or surging towards an enemy is not one of the AT-ATs intended attributes. If it were, a faster wheeled method of locomotion would clearly be preferred. From what we've seen they're susceptible to revealing their presence early & then taking quite a while to get within range to engage their target (as was the case during the Battle of Hoth).
Star Wars Repulsor Tank Size
So their purpose seems to be very different from that of a more nimble wheeled attack vehicle like a tank.What seems likely is that they're built for 'shock & awe'. It was established that the Empire employed fear as a means of control. The AT-AT's size, offensive weaponry & the way they look all seem designed to scare & intimidate. The giant creature design & the 'walking' that literally causes the enemy to tremble would seem to be an important part of this fear objective.
As has also been pointed out they're used to transport troops. They are an Attack Transport.
A tank does not fall into this category so therefore they don't offer an alternative if transporting a large squad of soldiers is one of the objectives.A more appropriate comparison with a tank (though a moderately armored one) is the AT-ST. That's the smaller two legged Walker. Like a tank it's faster, more maneuverable & cannot carry a large number of personnel. The on screen evidence suggests an Imperial ground assault features the AT-ATs while also being supported by AT-STs.
We see at least one AT-ST on Hoth & several on Endor. Since both of these vehicles have different strengths & purposes I think we can conclude that they're meant to work in co-operation & there are great advantages to each vehicle in doing so.So in answer to your question, the Empire employed very large (& highly destructive) armored transport vehicles (AT-ATs) supported by smaller, faster & more maneuverable 'tanks' (AT-STs). As for the walking aspect, I see the advantages from a practical in-universe perspective as:. An elevated vantage point for the pilot & crew. Lifting the hull above hazards such as water or jungle. This also allows the weapons to operate without interference in these situations. As part of an overall fear & intimidation design objective.
I don't think the AT-ST armor is strong enough to consider it a tank. I would classify it more as an, except that IFVs have a higher crew capacity than AT-STs appear to have. The AT-AT is like a tank + APC - armor of a main battle tank but also able to transport a decent number of troops like an APC.
Neither really fit neatly into the military vehicle categories we know. In any case, I don't see how this answers the question: what advantage do they have as walkers rather than wheeled (or tracked) vehicles?–Dec 18 '14 at 6:59. The AT-AT is superior to the tank in every way except speed. It boasts a greater range of environments, longer operational time, supports and carries troops and light vehicles, can devastate almost any type of fortification, immune to all but the heaviest artillery fire, and capable of working across almost any terrain, rocky, forested, snow or desert. Designed to be impressive, its nearly-indestructible durasteel body and signature sound profile on the battlefield demoralizes enemy troops before it can even be seen.
Capable of moving 40 kph, it isn't very fast but with its KDY FW62 compact fusion drive systems it can operate indefinitely in the field without needing to refuel.Armed with, the AT-AT is designed to attack any kind of vehicle or fortification and destroy it. Its great height allows it to target objects at the extreme range of their weaponry. Using blaster technology, the AT-AT does not have to carry ammunition utilizing the energy of its nuclear powerplant. This means there is no potential for ammunition mishaps nor the threat of running out of ammunition.Functioning as a troop transport it can move men in complete safety within its durasteel hull, ensuring their arrival on the field of battle. It can carry 40 troopers and their full combat kit. As an alternative, the AT-AT can carry five light speeders and their pilots.It can also provide troop support and covering fire with its two swiveling. Its height gives field commanders a superior view of the battlefield while keeping them safe to coordinate the battle without fearing for their safety.
A major asset in any military operation.The AT-AT can also operate in shallow bodies of water without fear of compromise and can be altered to work in a variety of other environments, extreme cold or heat, forest or desert conditions do not appear to hamper their movement. Rocky terrain may slow their approach but does not stop them from utilizing it. However a steep grade may require a skilled pilot to use the device effectively.Limitations of the AT-AT.The greatest limitation to the AT-AT is its lack of mobility. Its relatively low top speed and difficulty changing direction means it has to be moving toward its target and it has a relatively small arc of engagement without turning its entire body.In comparison to a tank with its swiveling gun turret a tank can change direction and fire in a completely different direct at the same time.In favor of TanksA tank has several powerful assets working in its favor.It is fast and mobile.
The M1 can go from 0 to 20 mph in 7 seconds. With an operational speed of 35 mph and when properly configured with reduced armor, capable of reaching a top speed of 60 mph (though certainly with a further reduction in gas mileage.).A tank brings a considerable amount of explosive firepower in low to the ground, compact form, avoiding damage when possible, but able to handle a good degree of damage before becoming inoperative.Photo courtesy U.S.
Department of DefenseHowever:.A tank can be hampered by terrain, its human crews can also be affected by environmental conditions. While their treads allow them to navigate most firm terrain easily, mud, water and extremely rocky conditions slow them considerable.(I chose it due to its overall superiority in operation) requires a significant fuel supply (even with its digital engine technology, the M1 gets about 1 mile per gallon!). To offset such low gas mileage, tanks have giant fuel capacities, capable of carrying 490 gallons of fuel and being able to travel about 265 miles before needing to refuel.Tanks use physical ammunition for its weaponry. With its sophisticated fire control it can fire and move at the same time. Other tanks have to come to a complete stop to reliable hit anything. Tanks carry sabot and HEAT rounds.Lightly armored M1s can also be affected by man-portable weapons such as.
The heaviest armored ones can survive more than one hit from even another tank but are vulnerable to powerful weapons like the.The tale of the tape says:AT-AT or Imperial Walker.The AT-AT is a more versatile, hard-hitting and troop transporting vehicle capable of working in a variety of theatres.Its weapons are formidable and aided by being higher off the ground. Once AT-AT reaches the target, the AT-AT superior weaponry ensures nothing can resist it for long.Its biggest liability is its lack of serious speed and limited arcs of attack. This is a nice comparison of an AT-AT to an M1A1. However, I think the point of the question was why did the Empire create a vehicle using legs instead of tracks?
Thus, in answering the question what would be needed is a comparison of an AT-AT to a tracked/wheeled vehicle developed with a similar level of technology. Given the nature of a comparison between a real-world M1A1 and a science fiction AT-AT, the real-world item is almost certain to come off as the lesser vehicle in multiple respects. The question probably arose from the feeling that the AT-AT was not far superior in all respects.–Dec 19 '14 at 2:05. Most conventional vehicles in the Star Wars universe, including tanks, use repulsorlift technology. Repulsorlifts have many advantages over standard wheeled/tracked vehicles such as (limited) vertical movement and being unhampered by most terrains (an Abrams, for example, will sink in water. The modern-day hovercraft, the closest thing we have to a landspeeder. They also don't trigger pressure-sensitive land mines, such as the kind we use today.Walkers, including the original AT-TE, were developed in response to anti-repulsorlift mines, which most conventional vehicles in the Star Wars universe were vulnerable to;Walkers - These military vehicles were developed in the early days of the Empire in response to repulsor-oriented land mines.
Similar developments were used to augment existing repulsorlift, crawler, and wheeled vehicle designs.Wizards of the Coast: the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, first edition - p. 165The long legs of a walker, despite the drawback of a high center of gravity, actually provide a number of benefits. For one thing, the lack of armor on the underside of the vehicle is no longer a problem as the underside is well out of range of the explosive radius of any mine, and the legs are heavily armored enough that even going back to a standard pressure mine won't do much good; also, the relatively small footprint (pun intended) of the vehicle means that mines would have to be packed relatively closely together in order to ensure that the walker even stepped on one.Another benefit is that the walker isn't really hampered much by the terrain. Smaller vehicles would have to go around (or get stuck in) the kind of terrain that a walker could just step over/wade through (including trees, unless they're the kind of trees that a forest world like Endor or Kashyyk would support. You'll note that we only really saw one AT-AT on Endor, and most of the troops there used the smaller, more maneuverable AT-STs).Third, as previously mentioned, the AT-ATs were heavily armored. Vehicles are a trade-off between speed/maneuverability and durability; the walkers sacrificed the former for the latter. AT-ATs were able to carry the kind of armor that would make a tank too heavy to move, and the kind of guns to match.And actually, the high vantage point was more of an advantage than it initially appears, not so much for simple visibility but more the fact that the forward-mounted guns themselves were at a height that made it less necessary to fire arced shots or artillery shells (assuming blaster technology was better than artillery against armor, blaster bolts travel in a straight line); simply point and shoot.
The AT-AT comes with its own built-in 'high ground' advantage.And yes, they were essentially heavy troop transports.So ultimately, you have a vehicle that can shrug off most normal weapons fire, isn't vulnerable to the most widely-used area denial tactics of the era, can rain direct-fire death down upon your troops, has all of the advantages of terrain movement that repulsorlift vehicles did, and once they do eventually get where they're going, will drop a horde of Stormtroopers on you. Sure, they had weaknesses, but note that until Luke came up with the idea to use the tow cables, the Rebels were getting slaughtered.In short, AT-ATs were tanks, artillery, and APCs all rolled into one. In shorter, walkers had advantages over repulsorlift vehicles, which in turn had advantages over 'modern' military vehicles like the M1A1.
I see, that some of you are tired, but this lecture must go on. We have very little time, so be careful please.In space our forces often loose - it's hard to fight strong and advanced empire fleet. On ground however things look different.
Out combat vehicles are not worst than imperial designs - in some aspects they are even superior! We have also earned support of many local populations. Of course, clever tactics are still required. Land unitsFirst I will tell about all land units common to rebel forces, and - of course - about best way of using them.
Rebel SoldiersThose brave volunteers from whole galaxy are sacrificing their lives every day fighting Empire. They may appear less armed and armored than stormtroopers, but thanks to enormous determination they are good match for imperial infantry.Rebel soldiers operate in small groups and can survive a lot of fire - especially when under cover.
Unfortunately, ruthless imperial officers often use their tanks to crush our soldiers, so even large infantry groups can easily die when fighting some vehicles without proper support. However soldiers mixed with PLEX launchers offer strong, versatile force that will win many battles.Every rebel commander should remember, that soldiers can be ordered to take cover. When this order is active, infantry moves slower, but is far more resistant to enemy fire. PLEX SoldiersThis anti-tank infantry can do heavy damage to buildings and vehicles. PLX-2M launchers offer our infantry possibility to engage and destroy groups of enemy tanks. It also makes our footsoldiers more effective and versatile than stormtroopers.Note that fighting enemy machines with your PLEX launchers is very economical. Training few groups of those soldiers costs about sixty credits, while vehicles usually cost several hundred!
That's why mixed infantry force forms very good core of rebel army. Launchers minimize threat of begin crushed under enemy wheels, because their focused fire can bring down tanks before they reach target. T2-B Repulsor TankVery good, light vehicle without similar design in imperial army. T2-B tank are equipped in force shield, which gives them advantage over enemy vehicles.
Those tanks are also excellent for providing support to your infantry. They can be moved in front of rebel soldiers, to prevent them from being crushed. With support of PLEX soldiers firing from behind, T2-B tanks can take down almost any enemy vehicle.Force field allows able commander to minimize casualties. Just hide weakened machines behind rest of your forces - enemy will switch fire to new targets allowing damaged units to regenerate. In the battles with very advanced empire armies T2-B tanks are also useful for disrupting and destroying enemy artillery batteries. SPMA-T units can destroy any number of infantry, but are prone to quick raids of light vehicles. T2-B tanks can also be used to find targets for airstrike operations.
MPTL-2A ArtilleryThose mobile artillery units are very different from SPMA-T in design, but very similar in use. Their firepower is impressive and allows you to immediately destroy groups of infantry, vehicles and buildings. Unfortunately, MPTL-2A are defenseless at close range, and you must set them up before using.Consult imperial field manual for more information about artillery. There is one difference though - our vehicles use droids to find targets.
Star Wars Repulsor Tank
Those small, fast units feature long range sensors and their special ability allows you to uncover distant parts of the map. Droids are therefore useful also for placing airstrike markers. Typical land battleHow our typical land battles look like? They require speed and good planning. Just after landing it is crucial to take over all surrounding support and construction points. On every new point drop all possible units.From now everything depends on technological advancement of your army. If you have basic units only, form assault force from infantry and PLEX soldiers and protect it with some light tanks.
You should use airstrikes to destroy larger enemy groups. Build turrets and other helpful structures whenever it is possible.

Always leave at least one group of infantry defending your support point.More advanced army should use tanks as main assault force and support them with PLEX launchers. Artillery units should proceed behind. Set them up every time enemy comes in range. It is good to move every artillery vehicle on its own and to keep some distance between them. This way, enemy won't block all your artillery with one unit. Using alliesBecause our forces often fight alongside friendly natives, I will now tell something about them. If there are any allies available, you will see them scattered on the map from the mission beginning.
Send them right away to capture support and construction points. Also, defend their structures whenever it is possible, because they will spawn reinforcements when group of allies dies.If you find yourself in a draw, when both you and your enemy suffered heavy casualties, you can use this infinite contingent of troops to swing balance to your side. Simply flood imperial forces with recurring waves of allied infantry.
RaidsRebels, contrary to the empire, not only can plan big all-out attacks, but also depends on small raiding parties. Our pilots are skilled enough to smuggle groups of up to three units behind orbital fleet. Contoh soal pajak bumi dan bangunan dki jakarta. You may ask: what can a group of three units do without reinforcements or air support? Well, it can do many things.First of all, if the planet has only small garrison, there is no shield covering the base, no turbolaser cannons or numerous factories - you can usually capture it with only two platoons of heavy tanks and some infantry. Just move slowly, use turrets and repair stations. And if enemy has got strong defenses, you should always scrap at least one building - preferably power generator or a factory.
It's one building less to destroy in your main attack! And remember - you don't have to sacrifice all raiding troops. As soon as things get too hot, retreat them. In this way, you can slowly destroy bases protected by enemy fleet. Remember though, that time between attacks should be as short as possible or enemy will rebuild some structures.