Reshade Sweetfx 2.0 Download
I recommend that you download from the same page Reshade + Framework since there contains all modes of MasterEfect, SweetFx and GemFx. I haven't installed Reshade into v2.5, however these were the MER settings I was using before to make a nice sunny day (does make for a bright night though). ReShade (shader injector), SweetFX 2.0 and P3D. May 06, 2016 I find the art in Tree of Savior amazing, but I prefer more contrast and a bit more light. So I put together this SweetFX profile for TOS to bring it life.
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Reshade and SweetFX Final: Guide for New UsersCompatible: Window 7/8/10 ( 32/64bits)Download: ( DirectX+)Author: JuanBonX ( Mod), (Autor), Crosire (Reshade)Description: Due to the confusion of some users I have created this little guide. I remind you that it is not necessary to use the executable.exe of (Reshade) in both cases.Compatibility in Games and GPU:Reshade v3.0.8 is for GPU range (medium and high)SweetFX v2.0 for any GPUI recommend Reshade v3.0.8 + preset v1.1 ( FXAA ON) for ATS/ETS2 and ( FXAA OFF) for most games.Reshade v3.0.8 Final:Copy the new files to the game path. Run the game as an administrator ( Permanent Permit) after completing the entire process.Important: Replace the following paths in dxgi.ini, d3d9.ini or opengl32.ini.Example:- EffectSearchPaths=C:GameCarsreshade-shadersShaders ( Effect)- TextureSearchPaths=C:GameCarsreshade-shadersTextures ( Texture)- ScreenshotPath=C:GameCars ( Screenshot)- PresetFiles=C:GameCarsVivid and Realistic Colors Final.ini ( Preset v1.1)Reshade menu: Activate with Shift + Delete.
The key to activate and deactivate Reshade is INSERT or DELETE. By default it is activated when the game is started.Required Files:- Direct3D 10+reshade-shaders ( Folder)dxgi.dlldxgi.iniVivid and Realistic Colors Final.ini- Direct3D 9reshade-shaders ( Folder)d3d9.dlld3d9.iniVivid and Realistic Colors Final.ini- OpenGLreshade-shaders ( Folder)opengl32.dllopengl32.iniVivid and Realistic Colors Final.iniNote: To use Reshade v3.0.8 on 32-bit systems, use the x86 dll folder ( Backup).SweetFX v2.0 + Reshade v2.0.3 FinalCopy the files in the game path and play. Run the game as Administrator ( Permanent Permit).The key to activate and deactivate SweetFX is INSERT or DELETE.
By default it is activated when the game is started.Required Files:- Direct3D 10+SweetFX ( Folder + Preset v1.1)dxgi.dllReShade.fxSweet.fx- Direct3D 9SweetFX ( Folder + Preset v1.1)d3d9.dllReShade.fxSweet.fx- OpenGLSweetFX ( Folder + Preset v1.1)opengl32.dllReShade.fxSweet.fxNote: To use SweetFX v2.0 on 32-bit systems, use the x86 dll folder ( Backup).Manually change Direct3D/OpenGL RenderingRename the existing file in the game path: d3d9.dll to dxgi.dll or d3d9.dll to opengl32 and vice versa.Giving thanks costs nothing.

I Tried it today and it is working really good. Just download the latest beta ( I used Beta 0.13.0 with sweetfx 2.0 ) and run the Reshade Setup.
Reshade Sweetfx 2.0 Download Windows 10
Now in Reshade use select Game and point to the AgeOfConanDX10.exe (not the Patcher, for DX9 this one AgeOfConan.exe). Now Reshade detects the Game mode (DX10/11 or DX9) and installs both in Game directory. Now you have to go into the Age of Conan Directory an open the SweetFX folder. There you will find the SweetFXsettings.txt file.
Just play with the settings how you like it.Ingame keys:SCROLL = enable/Disable effectsYou dont have to leave the Game for changing effects when you change the settings, just save SweetFXsettings.txt.If you dont like the Stats in the upper right go into sweetfxfolder- ReShadesettings.txt and change #define ReShadeShowStatistics 1 to #define ReShadeShowStatistics 0.Here is my SweetFXsettings.txt file.I disabled SMAA because the Ingame font gets distorted. I enabled FXAA ingame. When you use FXAA Ingame please diable it in SweetFX.Hope it helps. Sweetfx is allowed to use. Remember making 'noice and video' about it on forums when it was 'fairly' new. Even got community manager to promote the videoHi, the point is that there is a new Injector for sweetFX. The Injector/Overlay changed to Reshade.
The Developer from SweetFX is working together with Reshade know for Final SweetFX 2.0.Thats the official statement from Reshade:ReShade is in public BETA and thus not guaranteed to work and may get you banned in multiplayer games. Use at your own risk!Make sure you read the above page before downloading and please do not distribute the DLLs yourself during the beta.Hope a Age of Conan Admin will say something about it. HDD crashed and now I installed W8.1 on a new HDD.And so comes the whole shenanigans with installing AoC,TSW with mods and sweetfx.downloaded the new version of sweetfx and ReShadeInstalled its accordingly to the readme and also copy&paste the Reshade.dll to the aoc folder then rename to dxgi.dll as I would get MSVCP100.dll missing report if I did not do this.Funny thing is.sweetfx or reshader dont seem to be active. I press Scroll lock to check this, I check in the.txt files that scroll its the button to activate. I even checked if the #define ReShadeShowStatistics was at 0 or 1.and its on 1 by defaultand still I cant see the stats in the upper right corner. I also have Windows 8.1 x64 and no problem at all. The Point is, that I didn´t Copy and paste and I didn´t rename anything. I just used the 'Reshade setup.exe'. Like you can read in the Readme file.Installation:-Setup Tool:Run the provided 'ReShade Setup' tool, press 'Select Game' and browse to yourtargeted game's executable file.
The setup then tries to detect which API thegame uses for rendering and uses that knowledge to continue the installationprogress. If auto-detection failed, choose the correct API from the listyourself. Setup then copies and renames ReShade to the game directory andfinally provides you with the option to start the game right away. That's it!Shaders must be copied to the same directory ReShade was installed to and thenrenamed into 'RESHADEDLLNAME.fx' (e.g. 'd3d9.fx') or 'ReShade.fx'.Next time your run the game, you should see the ReShade greeting popping up.If that is not the case, try to do a manual installation.Note that the setup tool is just provided for convenience and in no wayrequired to get ReShade fully working. A manual installation will do the samegood.