Relationship Dialogue Overhaul Amazing Follower Tweaks

Relationship Dialogue Overhaul Amazing Follower Tweaks Rating: 4,2/5 1951 reviews

Ive been gathering mods for another run through Skyrim recently. Now I used to use UFO so I could have multiple followers; however, I have heard that UFO is unstable and not good to use anymore so I just thought Id ask here. Is UFO safe to use and if not what is a good alternative?

  • UFO is fine, probably an especially good choice if you like having housecarls as followers since it lets you put your Thane status to use. But just as UFO does some things that EFF doesn't, it also (as of the last time I tried it at least) lacks some features of EFF: the group commands, setting of combat style, gathering, etc.
  • +Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO Final +Amazing Follower Tweaks +Scoped Bows SE 1.3. +Skyrim Realistic Overhaul - 1.7 Update.

I have used UFO and EFF, Both worked really well. UFO is appearently no longer suppoort by the author. I'm using EFF now and Appreciate the features. You can recruit any character with EFF which is really handy with solo Follower mods or Interesting NPC's as some will look to see if you have a current follower with you and if you do then you can't recruit.EFF has SKSE features so if you use SKES then you can use the MCM menu to force the recruitment.It has a Ton of other great features and I have so far had no problems With Follows from Interesting NPC's, Sofia(by John Jarvis) and Arissa the wandering Rogue.Some great features,-Followers Level up with you-Each follow has an inventory and Equipment. Slot though the inventory can be exploited as it is basically unlimited.-you can command your follows to be passive or Agresssive, Set to Passive they will watch you die.-set how they fight, as in mage, fighter, rangedNice command wheel.

Which makes it easy to get to what you need when interacting or changing how the follows help you.-set a home for a follower so if you dismiss them they will go home that you set.-can have up 100 followers-plus a bunch more features which I probably havewn't even used.I've been playing with EFF for about 25 hours now and I has worked great. I would say EFF is the most up to date, stable, and compatible (needs a patch for Interesting NPCs).


Amazing Follower Tweaks Change Home

AFT has some fun features for a playthrough where you won't be using Interesting NPCs as it is definitely not compatible, even with the patch, as the patch and AFT are both pretty badly outdated. UFO is great in theory, but increasingly doesn't play nice with other mods and is the least stable of the three, from what I know.I've been using EFF for about, oh, a hundred or so hours of gameplay (with Interesting NPCs and Requiem and the relevant patches for the three mods to play nicely together, for the most part) and it has worked perfectly (although there are some features I haven't tried out). I've played with AFT probably eat least twice as much but have had issues from very minor irritations up to had-to-abandon-a-playthrough (only once, and that was trying to get it to work with INPCs as I didn't know they didn't work together) with it.Oh, the one thing I'm not sure about with EFF is when I use it and Convenient Horses together, my followers that are managed by EFF (i.e. Not custom, standalone followers like Arissa who are ignored by follower management mods) don't get horses, however, it didn't bother me enough to really investigate, so I'm not sure if it wasn't something I did wrong, or if another of my mods is causing them to not quite see each other properly, etc. They are.supposed. to be compatible, but it's something to watch out for (possibly do a quick test run with your mod list, pick up a couple of followers and go buy a horse, to see if they get their horsies, before you start playing properly with both mods installed.).

Relationship Dialogue Overhaul Amazing Follower Tweaks Skyrim

Amazing follower tweaks change home

Relationship Dialogue Overhaul Amazing Follower Tweaks Download

I say dont use anyone of them, Think the other way. Use some power followers instead. You have severals on Nexus, Vilja, Sofia, 3Dnpc and so on.

All they have their own follower system.You can actually have up to 6 followers. And dont use any of Aft/eff uff or what ever they are called and mess upp your save.One simple, install Arissa and you have one slot for one regular follower and you have Arissa following you.Install Vilja and you have Vilja and Arissa. Plus your normal follover Lydia. Then you have 3.Who need Aft? Yeah, my current main game I don't have any follower manager, however, I do miss things like being able to change their armour (Lydia in my narrative has Elven armour, but in the remade version of my playthrough she's gonna be in steel until I get her some better heavy armour) and the vanilla/INPCs followers sandboxing and stuff.

I also won't be able to teach Rumarin any new spells beyond the one from his quest which is a shame, as narratively I want him to move away from Conjuration eventually. Plus I'll have to set Lydia essential with the console, which I prefer not to mess with.Still, it's perfectly possible to do without if you just want.more. followers. Inigo's also good (and chats with Vilja and Lydia now, and Vilja will chat with nearly any vanilla follower). And as someone above mentioned, a Bashed Patch can also allow for multiple vanilla followers, if that's what you want.

(I haven't tried this method myself but AFAIK it works fine.). Originally posted by:I say dont use anyone of them, Think the other way. Use some power followers instead. You have severals on Nexus, Vilja, Sofia, 3Dnpc and so on. All they have their own follower system.You can actually have up to 6 followers. And dont use any of Aft/eff uff or what ever they are called and mess upp your save.One simple, install Arissa and you have one slot for one regular follower and you have Arissa following you.Install Vilja and you have Vilja and Arissa.

Plus your normal follover Lydia. Then you have 3.Who need Aft?Yeah but there's some followers from the workshop that I want to use. Maybe I'll do what Dexter said and use Wrye Bash and see how that works.

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