Kubota Product Identification Number
Kubota Serial Identification Number lookup can help determine the engine model and the correct service parts.Contact us today. This factory Kubota B2150 HSD (Parts manual number: 100K0200) parts manual will give you detailed parts information, exploded diagrams, and breakdowns of all parts numbers for all aspects of the Kubota B2150 HSD (Parts manual number: 100K0200), including every detail of the engine parts. Contact Kubota Tractor Corporation. We appreciate your interest in Kubota. Check out our FAQs for answers to questions about financing, parts, dealers, pricing, our website and more.
Kubota Product Identification Number Year
Look at the 10th position of the VIN code. The tenth character stands for a particular year.
From 1980 to the year 2000, the character is a letter. The sequence begins with A for 1980 and continues through to Y for 2000, skipping the letters O, Q, and I (which are never used anywhere in a VIN), and the characters Z, U and zero (which are never used in the year code). From 2001 until 2009, numbers from one to nine are used.

Kubota Product Identification Number

In 2010, the code resets to the alphabetic sequence beginning with A. So for example, a 2004 YZ80 will have the number four in the tenth position, and a bike built in 1985 will have the letter F in the tenth position. Enter the YZ80 VIN into the Yamaha VIN decoder at motoverse.com, and you can get a detailed breakdown of the motorbike, including confirmation of the year code. The VIN decoder will also tell you the country of manufacture - 'J' for Japan, for example - in position one. The second character stands for the manufacturer. The next five characters denote the details of the bike and the ninth character is a check digit for anti-fraud purposes. Download aplikasi arsip berbasis web gratis para.
The eleventh character denotes the plant of manufacture and the remaining group of six characters tells you the production sequence of the bike in the plant.