Ck2 Become King Ambition
Click on the coat of arms of the kingdom of England title. You will see a check box where it says de jure, check that. Then, at the top right of the box, you will see a cost of arms for the de jure liege title of the Kingdom of England, which should be the British Empire. Click on its coat of arms. Then hover over the create button. This will tell you exactly which conditions you need to fulfill to create the title.This button is also how you create the title and become Emperor. Call of duty ghosts showtime. It will be greyed out until you meet all the conditions in the hover-over tooltip.Here is a three-step illustration of how to find the Empire of Britannia by using the de jure checkbox and liege coats of arms in the Realm view:Alternatively, you can always use the Find Title button below your world map.

Ambition is the motivation that strongly drives one to achieve what they desire. Macbeth has great ambition. It can be said that Macbeth’s strong ambition is what leads him to his misery. In the beginning of Macbeth, Macbeth’s ambition drove him to beat the king of Norway. He single-handedly took on the enemy forces.
Click that, type part of the title you're looking for, and then it will show you matching titles in the dialogue box. Clicking a title will open the same view:The best way to learn how to use the more obscure parts of the game's interface is by playing the in-game Tutorial. It explains everything and is worth doing once.
Ck2 Become King Ambition Of Life
1) Click on an English county somewhere. The information screen there has some coats-of-arms in the upper-right corner: usually county, duchy, and kingdom.
Ck2 Become King Ambition Free

Click on the rightmost coat of arms (usually kingdom) to get you to the title information screen. 2) Once you're on that screen, the middle bit has a list of titles. Look above that and to the right to see a 'de jure' checkbox, and check that. 3) That changed the titles; the coats-of-arms to the upper-right of the list-of-titles box now shows titles that don't exist. The rightmost one will be for the Empire of Britannia.–Jun 3 '13 at 0:50.